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Re: Please forgive my ignorance...

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 6:23 pm
by xenofur
on the off-chance: be sure to actually create a team via right-click menu, else xp-sharing won't work. ;)

Re: Please forgive my ignorance...

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:57 am
by high1976
Another thing I have missed in this discussion is dodge/parry/resist. I'm very sure about resist, but I assume the others too. If you go after an easy critter that dies in a few hits, and one of you throws a spell that resists and you cannot do anymore damage before the critter is dead, you will not get xp for it as you did not do any damage. So keep an eye for those too. Easy to have some confusion there (I had in the beginning)

Re: Please forgive my ignorance...

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:26 am
by aardnebb
Yup, only people who _succesfully_ attack the mob get XP.

Also, if it hasn't been mentioned, to get healing xp you must heal someone _after they have succesfully attacked the mob_ (as best I can tell anyway).

Re: Please forgive my ignorance...

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:58 pm
by evalisa
aye, after they hit the mob, before the mob dies and they must have at least 1hp to heal (Healing someone who is at full health dose not work)

Re: Please forgive my ignorance...

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:52 pm
by iwojimmy
evalisa wrote:aye, after they hit the mob, before the mob dies and they must have at least 1hp to heal (Healing someone who is at full health dose not work)
thats why i hate teaming with high level nukers :p
Sure they kill the mob in 2 hits, but the rest of the party isnt getting any xp
(exaggeration for effect)
sometimes its better to leave your tank/damage dealer with a slight deficit after a fight, that you can heal as soon as they connect on the next fight - it can be stamina, or sap or hp.. doesnt matter.
Also cast your first heal early, to ensure you get some xp, and preferably healing whatever your damager is using as a credit.

If one party member constantly fails to connect and get xp, you should really think about finding an easier target - you're just wasting their time otherwise.

Re: Please forgive my ignorance...

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:43 pm
by dhavrin1
iwojimmy wrote:
If one party member constantly fails to connect and get xp, you should really think about finding an easier target - you're just wasting their time otherwise.
I thought for sure you were going to suggest finding an easier wife to group with :)
Thanks for all of the info! And thanks to everyone else for the great explanations! I think I have it now :)

I am absolutely loving this game. We'll be upgrading from the trial to paid accounts within the next few days for sure :)
The world is simply breathtaking. I'm consistantly blown away.