fiach wrote:Larsa, you seem to get so much out of the game and notice alot more things going on. Your commentary in this and other threads is whats keeping me curious enough to hang in there for awhile to see if it picks up. If you ever decide to do a guide or a FAQ, let me know, it will be an interesting read, i think
Well, thanks for that.
I tell you a story. In the open beta in spring I played a pantsmaker.

"Pantsmaker?" I hear you saying. Yes, a pantsmaker. I was making pants, light pants, caster pants, medium pants, heavy pants - nothing else than pants. And I had a hell of a good time with it, I travelled from camp to camp on the refugee island, stood in the middle of the camp and was shouting: "Pants! Homins, buy pants! Protect your butt with pants from Jando! Finest pants, all made from harvested materials, affordable even for refugees. Homins, buy pants from Jando!" Something like that ...
Of course it was crazy from me to do that, after all I would have to level light and medium and heavy armour and would have enough skillpoints thus to make all armour pieces but I decided to roleplay a pantsmaker. And thus I sold only pants, after all a shoemaker makes shoes and a shirtmaker makes shirts and a pantsmaker makes pants. Logic. And I told my customers: "Ah, one day I will make the finest pants homins can buy in Yrkanis, our great capital city. And then I will travel to the lands of the Fyros, to the Zorai and perhaps even to the small folk, these Tryker people and will learn how they make pants and all the nobles from Yrkanis will come to me and buy my pants because they like to wear something exotic so now and then."
Of course that was even more crazy because I would have to level all race-crafting skills to do so but it was fun and brought a lot of atmosphere into my play. And then I told my customers and all the other people listening around: "Ah, and then I will open my own shop, in one of the finest streets of Yrkanis. And I will ask beautiful people from all over Atys to come for the opening and wear my pants, so that the people of Yrkanis can see how fine a pantsmaker I am."
Now, I guess you get the idea, that's roleplaying for me. I do not care whether I'm level 100 tomorrow or in 2 months, it's of no concern to me. Of course I like to bash some mobs too so now and then (I'm playing a mage now, thus I nuke them

) but it are these little roleplay things that make a game enjoyable for me. And this all happens on the backdrop of this wonderful world called Atys that Nevrax has created and Nevrax
has provided an extended storyline for it:
Now, my new Jando won't be a pantsmaker this time around, I think I'll just be a wise Tryker (as wise as Tryker can get that is) and I'm not yet sure how I will develop the character. But I can assure you that playing a unique character is not something what you do when you create a character and play around with a few sliders. Neither has it anything to do with who's the first one to hit the level cap.
Want to be a unique character? Well,
be unique.