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Re: Why they Messed up the Patch !!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 12:04 am
by ayne31
lawrence wrote:Some characters didn't save, while others did. That was the problem we had. Of course a side-effect of this problem was that some things could be exploited. Quite an ugly side-effect indeed... but as previously stated, the character save system has been revised to make sure it won't happen again.
So it wasnt an exploit that made a reroll neccessary. Its just that the system did not work properly and as a side effect these exploits where made possible.

So people lost up to 2.5 hours of gaming not because an exploit was to be taken care off but just by a disfunctioning character save system?

Re: Why they Messed up the Patch !!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 12:32 am
by ayne31
satchi wrote:Re: Why they Messed up the Patch !!


Originally Posted by ayne31
Can you direct me to the thread where this was officially announced? I happen not to give much about rumors.

And I am glad once more i seized playing last weekend.


An announcement from Lawrence is an official announcement. He doesn't post 'rumors' as you eloquently put it. He is a Community Manager and works here.

When he posts, he speaks for us.

Thank you
A post in which is I quote Shrike is a quote on another poster.

I did not claim Lawrence posting rumors as you elequently put it. I appreciate everything your Community manager who works here tells me.

When I post I mean exactly what I write.

Thank you

Re: Why they Messed up the Patch !!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 12:43 am
by silverio
ayne31 wrote:Can you direct me to the thread where this was officially announced? I happen not to give much about rumors.

And I am glad once more i seized playing last weekend. ;)
It is not rumor it only required you have acces to quild HQ i know how to do it end even reported bug but i dont have seen all impications of it so i can guarantee that it was easy done.

Re: Why they Messed up the Patch !!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 1:22 am
by ozric
ayne31 wrote:Can you direct me to the thread where this was officially announced? I happen not to give much about rumors.

And I am glad once more i seized playing last weekend. ;)
You think they will officially announce an exploit ??

Re: Why they Messed up the Patch !!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 5:19 am
by lazarus
I know what this 'exploit' was as it affected one of our guild members, inadvertantly leaving him hugely better off than he should have been. Being the honest and sickening respectable chap he is, he reported this to a GM and had the situation rectified immediately.

So there you go. No rumours, no hearsay - it happened.

Re: Why they Messed up the Patch !!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 6:09 am
by ayne31
I am still seaqrching for the thread where it was officially said that
"Due to an exploit we had no other choice than to make a rollback"

Re: Why they Messed up the Patch !!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 6:45 am
by p46985
Ayne stop looking for official explanations, just log in and enjoy the game :) I'm just happy that it takes developers such short spans of time to fix the bugs/exploits. It all seems very unreal after other online games, please guys say 'thank you' instead of 'if you give me your arm i'll bite off your hand', that's not a good attitude towards people who care about explanations and the game itself.

Re: Why they Messed up the Patch !!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 7:53 am
by drcole22
have you all seen the american forums?

man, they are stressed about the roll back!!

Re: Why they Messed up the Patch !!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 8:42 am
by mallory
Ahhh, so that was the exploit...

***Edited by Administration: Even though this his been fixed, we cannot tolerate hints and guides on how to use loopholes or exploits on these message boards.***

Having played SWG in the early days, (and I understand it's something they still have a problem with) I'm very, very glad they found out about this and stopped/rolled it back.

Re: Why they Messed up the Patch !!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 12:48 pm
by goken
unlucky for me i got the full 2.5 hour rollback lol