Yes soon as you're comfortable with the interface, head on over. The mobs around the capital city of your race are the same level as on the starter isle. Which race did you choose BTW?trystram wrote:So I can just head over to mainland, before really getting the hang of the noob island? I am already chain killing stuff with magic. I wanted to buy a dagger but it is just so much money, I wanted to just make one myself.
Did the race I choose, effect which faction I go. It seems, that the races are inheriently pro a certain faction.
As Acridiel said, faction is pretty much like the class system, you're free to choose whichever you like and are not tied by your race. To join a faction you will just need to do the missions to raise your faction fame to the required level. Then you do a rite to join that faction.
Or you can be neutral, but that has limits. Mainly to which TPs you can buy.