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Re: Gossip and Facts

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 2:25 pm
by kibsword

Re: Gossip and Facts

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 3:51 pm
by seriel
I heard that after he kills you... rundll cleans out your ears and eats the wax =\

Re: Gossip and Facts

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 4:06 pm
by darthg
Heard Ma-duk and Jena were a couple...they got pissed at each other and finally decided to use homins to decided the outcome of their argument.

I heard all zorais are allowed to marry 4 wives...1 of each race :P

Re: Gossip and Facts

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 4:43 pm
by d29565
I heard that zorai males were the best anywhere you have them.

I heard that Ma Duk is a Sex God that looks a lot like Orlando Bloom

I heard that Jena is really and old hag, but can change her apperance at will to look like a male homin's dream.

I heard that Nillian and Zahan wanted me to join them in the Pyr Baths for that Samsara Boot Camp :cool: as soon as Zahan gets back from his vacation.

Re: Gossip and Facts

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:03 pm
by aardnebb
Arcana wrote:*Zahan is the favorite amongst Trykergirls ...he may be shy and not as tough as some others ...but he has a golden heart.Therefor he was granted with the First Golden Card in our Club and in Atys history
Aww :) And I really appreciate it... I'd be sooo poor without the discount!
darthg wrote:I heard all zorais are allowed to marry 4 wives...1 of each race :P
Its true, but the high corresponding suicide rate explains the low Zorai population. ("Clean the appartment! Go to the market and get some food! Are you out raiding outposts again? I don't hold by it!")
Keiko wrote:I heard that Nillian and Zahan wanted me to join them in the Pyr Baths for that Samsara Boot Camp as soon as Zahan gets back from his vacation.
*grins* now thats what I call a welcome home present!

Re: Gossip and Facts

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 6:05 pm
by xzizoux
I heard Najabs are in Really Yubos,they Eat the Goo and Drunk Sap and now they Growed up and are always Blue :-P PPPPP

Merchants of Void
The Craziest Zorai on Atys :D
(Searching for his Lost Friends Sumsum and Uma)

"""Noobish by Nature"""

Re: Gossip and Facts

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 7:13 pm
by raven41

Man thats a big yuub :p I heard that you're all crazy(and its true cus so am I :D )

Also Yuubs are the cause of lag(because there is so many of them on the server ;) )

And! If you scratch a kincher behind the ear without it aggroing you, it will become your pet. (you have to be solo with no one around to rez ;) )

Re: Gossip and Facts

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 7:31 pm
by kayak
the fluffy bunnies used to be called something faaar ruder ;)

too rude for these forums :p

Re: Gossip and Facts

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 10:07 pm
by archaeos
darthg wrote:Heard Ma-duk and Jena were a couple...they got pissed at each other and finally decided to use homins to decided the outcome of their argument. :P
Was this before or after the sexchange?

Re: Gossip and Facts

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 10:12 pm
by archaeos
aardnebb wrote: Its true, but the high corresponding suicide rate explains the low Zorai population. ("Clean the appartment! Go to the market and get some food! Are you out raiding outposts again? I don't hold by it!")
I heard there grew anxiety between a certain population of Fyros about Zahans growing popularity.These particular Fyros forged an evil plan to make Zahan end his life out of free will.
There was also a rumor that Kiliane and Arcana were also invited at the pyr bath's for the bootcamp...Is this a coincidence?