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Re: First Round Election results
Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 10:33 pm
by grimjim
forever wrote:Are you serious? I think he would weaken the Trykers. There is more to life then Pub Night.
A man of the people! Not a stuck up snootypants. Definately fits the Tryker.
Re: First Round Election results
Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 10:47 pm
by arfindel
grimjim wrote:A man of the people! Not a stuck up snootypants. Definately fits the Tryker.
He's a soldier after all, we cannot expect soldiers to be ascetic temperaments,)
Had Still Wyler considered him of weakening influence he would have never given him the marechal title.
Re: First Round Election results
Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 11:06 pm
by forever
arfindel wrote:He's a soldier after all, we cannot expect soldiers to be ascetic temperaments,)
Had Still Wyler considered him of weakening influence he would have never given him the marechal title.
I think he will serve the Trykers best in his current potition. This is a line from his Bio, which I agree with. "Diplomacy he prefers to leave to others, recognizing that his skills lie in the military sphere."
How can you take a candidate serious when they use this in their election speach? "I will also pledge to reduce duties on alcohol, which is currently taxed as a luxury import, when it should clearly be reclassified as a food and beverage."
Re: First Round Election results
Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 2:54 am
by akm72
forever wrote:How can you take a candidate serious when they use this in their election speach? "I will also pledge to reduce duties on alcohol, which is currently taxed as a luxury import, when it should clearly be reclassified as a food and beverage."
Seems reasonable to me.
Re: First Round Election results
Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 9:07 am
by arfindel
forever wrote:I think he will serve the Trykers best in his current potition. This is a line from his Bio, which I agree with. "Diplomacy he prefers to leave to others, recognizing that his skills lie in the military sphere."
How can you take a candidate serious when they use this in their election speach? "I will also pledge to reduce duties on alcohol, which is currently taxed as a luxury import, when it should clearly be reclassified as a food and beverage."
Yes, it may seem not serious, but if you're used to read a bit inside the words, and if you listened to all candidates discourses, you will see that, surprisingly, this is probably the only concrete reference to a concrete situation in tryker lands.
All the candidates prefered using abstract words: freedom, standardization, etc. which, in essence, make some sense just because we put there the sense using the context, but also using our wishful thinking.
Rehn, whatever the reson for which he used this announce, became closer to homin pointing one practical problem in their day to day life. Instead of alienating the public these word that, seen on paper, might seem not serious, contrasted to the abstract words of his opponents, and gain him a finalist place.
And finally we should not forget that acohol has the power of a symbol in tryker world, being a very important part of the very rite that leads to tryker citizenship itself.
Re: First Round Election results
Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 9:13 am
by Tidings
Ailan Mac'kean invites you to join her at Loria's Rise in Fairhaven on Wednesday 24th May at 8pm BST and again at 1 am BST,where she will retell some tales of Loria and days gone by.
Re: First Round Election results
Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 10:00 pm
by danolt
I have some questions for our candidates.
Concerning Outposts
Would you ever exclude, evict or support any race, religion or guild from occupying Lakeland Outpost? If so, under what conditions would you become involved?
What is your stance on Tryker ownership of Outposts outside the Lakelands?
Do you plan on taxing outposts?
Concerning Citizenship
What additional benefits do you intend to bring to Tryker citizens?
What additional benefits do you intend to bring to federated guilds?
What role will the federated guilds have in your government?
Do you intend to have any sort of public forum for citizens to discuss and influence governmental policies?
Do you intend to be accountable for your actions? If so, How?
Concerning factions
As Governor will you endorse a Faction? If so, which?
Would you support expansion of the present Karavan Temple?
Would you support the construction of a Kami Temple?
Concerning races
Which race do you think will be the friendliest with your government and why?
Which race do you think you will have the most difficulty strengthening relations with, and why?
Concerning really important stuff
How soon will you construction begin on operation Gigantic Pero?
Re: First Round Election results
Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 9:09 am
by Tidings
These are indeed all good questions.
There will be another debate tomorrow, Thursday 25th May at 9pm BST when the two candidates will be happy to answer further questions from the floor.
This debate will focus on Foreign affairs and alliances, but feel free to ask any questions that you wish answered.
Re: First Round Election results
Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 11:04 am
by philu
danolt wrote:I have some questions for our candidates.
Concerning Outposts
Would you ever exclude, evict or support any race, religion or guild from occupying Lakeland Outpost? If so, under what conditions would you become involved?
What is your stance on Tryker ownership of Outposts outside the Lakelands?
Do you plan on taxing outposts?
Concerning Citizenship
What additional benefits do you intend to bring to Tryker citizens?
What additional benefits do you intend to bring to federated guilds?
What role will the federated guilds have in your government?
Do you intend to have any sort of public forum for citizens to discuss and influence governmental policies?
Do you intend to be accountable for your actions? If so, How?
Concerning factions
As Governor will you endorse a Faction? If so, which?
Would you support expansion of the present Karavan Temple?
Would you support the construction of a Kami Temple?
Concerning races
Which race do you think will be the friendliest with your government and why?
Which race do you think you will have the most difficulty strengthening relations with, and why?
Concerning really important stuff
How soon will you construction begin on operation Gigantic Pero?
Wow I am impressed, if I was one of the candidates facing that barrage of questions I'd be seriously worried now. I take my hat off to you.
Can I assume you were @work when you wrote these?
Re: First Round Election results
Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 12:57 pm
by Tidings
Tonight, Friday 26th May, at 8pm BST, the Lady Ailan Mac'kean will be in Yrkanis for diplomatic meetings with the Matisian government and to chat about her policies.