this post is personal and doenst represent either other players or my guild
if i could i would have roll back server and i m sure other guilds would have greater lost from that
/point ur guild
i may have already send a ticket for my thoughts plus any information i had in my hands of the incident but thats something confidencial between me and the nevrax company so i guess u will never know that
i never gave any players names or reffered to any guilds at my first post either sides or give any more information than nevrax has done
i was afraid that this post may come to this point so here is my answer to you
u blame for spying u blame gor many attacks u blame for many op wars at the same time u blame for alter guilds declaring wars (whats not allowed of these?)
but u dont blame urself for the means u use to gain it
u dont blame urself for the power u have give those people of ur side to mess around with community
is easy to blame each other and hard for all to come to an agreement of who is responsible for the mess
but i wonder.....why didnt u cancelled the attack when on previous post people asked that till the whole issue is investigated?
i could easily make a poll and ask ur opinion about the issue
well there u go then
here is my poll
there is one side who will fight for to own back something that trully belong and have paid for it and one side that will defend an op that they won without people even be able to defend it by using advantage of a fraud
of cource there will be another side
the one who will decide to stay neutral
people who cant be there people who preffer to lvl coz thats more important
and the people that dont see the bigger idea and the kami/kara war
make them blind
/bow piri for her support and lawyer skills
P.S that op will still be a main target for the karavan side is up to u when u want to come claim it with a proper deffence
we know u will and u are more than welcome to as long as u use the right means
i personally have congratulate u once for the victory at malmomt and will do again if u worth it
my 3 dappers (bloddy inflation)
oldmess wrote:You know what? It this kind of post that makes me hate the forums. If you want to challenge an OP, do it. If you want to do a "call to arms" post, great. If you want to give IC reasons for your challenge, that's fine. But if you want to bash the integrity of the players you're attacking... keep it to yourself.
The people that engaged in unethical behavior have been banned including the guy that was holding Kings of Oblivion and the OP. If you believe CV did something unethical or any of the folks that were there did something unethical, submit a ticket. But bashing all of us on the forum is NOT making the community better in any way.