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Re: New Video to look at

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 10:53 am
by ashitaka
Très bonne video.

Nan je rigole c'était sympa mais sans plus. La confusion des combats avec les effets de sorts partout en permanence + les changements de plan incessants... bof. Les sorts de bombe de toutes les couleurs c'était joli, dommage que les plans durent pas plus longtemps. Et pis le casque d'Aen est laid. Quand est-ce que vous allez le comprendre ?

Acridiel, you invis' your character but you forget to use Shift+F5 to remove the white borders around things you target. -_-

Re: New Video to look at

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 11:20 am
by acridiel
**** wrote:Très bonne video.
Echo??? :D
**** wrote:Acridiel, you invis' your character but you forget to use Shift+F5 to remove the white borders around things you target. -_-
Sorry, but Shift F5 does not work for these. :(
There´s no way to get rid of them, apapart from putting the pointer on any of the windows inGame, we discussed that at lenght allready in our forum. This method sadly removes your abillity to move the camera around once you click and move the mouse.... :(
I hate them too. All Videos where you don´t see these have one thing in common, a static view. If you want a free moving camera you have to live with the target brackets... Belive me I´ve tried EVERYTHING!!! :(


Re: New Video to look at

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 11:43 am
by keikoku1
Très (avec cet accent-la hinhinhin) bonne video.
J'en retient une chose: Le zorai avec la robe Kara ca donne un truc classe quand même ^^

Re: New Video to look at

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 11:56 am
by messent0
Hello, maybe I have a solution for you to disable the "white borders"

I will try to explain with my poor english :p

First take a windows like the target window, put it at a corner for exemple, then, push the "t" bouton to sneak the window, at the emplacement off the window put your mouse arrow then right clic and set in "observator mod".
After that, push "t", the target window come back. Yet you can do "shift+f5" and have no "white borders".

Sorry if it is not understandable :s

Pour les francophones :

En gros mettre le pointeur à l'emplacement d'une fenetre du jeu, la faire disparaitre, passer en mode observateur, puis via racourci clavier faire réaparaitre la dite fenetre, celle si désactive l'encadré de selection, donc plus de cadre comme ça, ensuite un petit "shift+f5" permet de tout faire disparaitre.
Voilà :)

Re: New Video to look at

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 3:32 pm
by acridiel
messent0 wrote:Hello, maybe I have a solution for you to disable the "white borders"

I will try to explain with my poor english :p

First take a windows like the target window, put it at a corner for exemple, then, push the "t" bouton to sneak the window, at the emplacement off the window put your mouse arrow then right clic and set in "observator mod".
After that, push "t", the target window come back. Yet you can do "shift+f5" and have no "white borders".

Sorry if it is not understandable :s

Pour les francophones :

En gros mettre le pointeur à l'emplacement d'une fenetre du jeu, la faire disparaitre, passer en mode observateur, puis via racourci clavier faire réaparaitre la dite fenetre, celle si désactive l'encadré de selection, donc plus de cadre comme ça, ensuite un petit "shift+f5" permet de tout faire disparaitre.
Voilà :)
Hmmm.... THAT I´ve not tryed yet. Thanks for the advice I´ll try that. :)
