blaah wrote:reinvent your prospect and extract stanzas.
EDIT: ahh, here it is.... use
this thread for ideas.
(for all of you) blaming one little rite for all your trouble is getting old. i have no problem with that (useless) lilttle timesink.
I do use that sort of strategy and get 16-17 q190 mats per pull (= 32-33 per prospect). But without the bonus time rite, I reckon that I'd be getting about 36 per prospect (12 mats per pull, three pulls per prospect). There is no way at my level of getting three pulls per prospect (although I can do this in the forest at lvl 123).
If you read the linked thread, you will also see some cursing of the bonus extract time rite.
The point is that the bonus rite eats into the mats I get over time ajd it also means that when all the sources only contain 10-15 mats, I'm wasting that bonus time.
Oh and the rite isn't really trouble, just a minor annoyance
Kitin Slayer, smasher, harvester plus mace and jewel crafter
Homin for hire, mayhem a speciality.