Maybe it's just me, but I see myself as a part of Atys and I dont feel in any way involved in this "knock-down drag out nastiness fight", so pls speak for yourself, and not on behalf of whole Atys...marct wrote:... and your solution to this situation is to pull the ENTIRE population of Atys into a knock-down drag out nastiness fight.

And man, am I getting tired of those endless discussions about who is the rightfull owner of an op or wich faction should have it, or whatever. And I'm especially annoyed by the fact this disscusion is about the trykers. I always thought that Trykers were a real nice bunch of homins who could appreciate everyone and every faction or believe or ...
Seems I'm need to rethink my opinion.
Anyway, if you are Tryker, or Fyros, or Matis or Zora, Kami or Karavan, really I don't care, plz just try to be peacefull when possible. And those endless discussions, why don't you fight them out? ( with violence or words...). I can only talk for me, but reading the same discussions by the same homins (cause really i believe it are almost always the same making 'trouble' ) over and over again, is getting pretty annoying.
It's hard to find any topic lately on the forums that doesnt lead to the same discussion... "It's all pvp's fault..." Maybe we all (or some of us anyway) should look at Ryzom more like a game and not like real life...
So far my (a bit drunk) thoughts about it. Srr for the English and srr if i wrote some nonsense, really dont want to offend people orso

Ok enough Fyros-ale for me now, just getting tired of all the fights i heard lately