We the People
Moderators: The Soothsayer, Lanist, Xaphon Zessen
Re: We the People
Homins! For those of you not present at the Pyr stage in Agora last night, the candidates have kindly offered their speeches:
Xalis Speech
"Once we were a great Empire, once the other homin feared and respected us, our strength, our might, our industry, our drive. Now what are we? Warriors to be run to when help is needed, grunting Frahar to be ridiculed when we are not needed.
Without us Zorai would be a pool of goo. Without us Matis would be reigned over by an evil King. Without us the Tryker would be slaves.
We are the pre-eminent race on Atys, the warriors, the explorers. We take the sacred duty of hunting the dragon. We dwell in the harsh desert through choice and sacrifice much for the sake of others.
No more Martyrdom I say! No more shall we bear the weight of Atys on our shoulders! It is time we began to look after ourselves.
The Kami need to understand that we must build to be strong, they must stop holding us back from the full exploitation of the scant resources of the desert. We need to claim the rest of the desert lands across Atys as our own.
If they can make an exception, allow us to rip the materials from the ground in massive quantities in the old lands for their temples, if they can let us bore deep into the bark with these drills, then they can allow us to dig for the materials that will make us strong in battle.
The Fyrosian heart is so full of passion it needs room to beat. The deserts of Zorai and Matis are ours for the taking, ours by right. Payment for the sacrifices we have made for them.
Vote for me and take the path back to Empire.
Vote for me and regain what it means to by Fyrosian."
Dios Speech
"The future cannot be found in the past.
We must not always look to past glories and seek to repeat them, rather we should look to making our own, new, brighter future.
Our past is not all imperial finery and great victorious battles. It is us who disturbed the Kitin, it is us who set the fires. We have as much to be ashamed of as to be proud of and it is guilt, not responsibility that weighs us down.
Let no homin say that the Fyros do not live up to their responsibilities, let no homin say we do not learn from our mistakes. We have made those mistakes so that others do not have to.
Our future lies with the Kami, living in harmony with our land as the Zorai do. Theirs is a way of peace and preservation, one that us desert dwellers should know all too well.
As we waste not a drop of water so we must learn not to waste any other of the precious resources that Ma-Duk blesses us with.
Others must also be brought to the light and truth of this path. Our old allies the Tryker with whom we have shared water, and yes, even the Matis should be given a chance to mend their ways.
Together, as one, freed from the watchful eye of the Karavan we can explore our past and our history, we can discover more about Atys, about the Kitin, about ourselves
Vote for me, vote for peace, knowledge and learning.""
Xalis Speech
"Once we were a great Empire, once the other homin feared and respected us, our strength, our might, our industry, our drive. Now what are we? Warriors to be run to when help is needed, grunting Frahar to be ridiculed when we are not needed.
Without us Zorai would be a pool of goo. Without us Matis would be reigned over by an evil King. Without us the Tryker would be slaves.
We are the pre-eminent race on Atys, the warriors, the explorers. We take the sacred duty of hunting the dragon. We dwell in the harsh desert through choice and sacrifice much for the sake of others.
No more Martyrdom I say! No more shall we bear the weight of Atys on our shoulders! It is time we began to look after ourselves.
The Kami need to understand that we must build to be strong, they must stop holding us back from the full exploitation of the scant resources of the desert. We need to claim the rest of the desert lands across Atys as our own.
If they can make an exception, allow us to rip the materials from the ground in massive quantities in the old lands for their temples, if they can let us bore deep into the bark with these drills, then they can allow us to dig for the materials that will make us strong in battle.
The Fyrosian heart is so full of passion it needs room to beat. The deserts of Zorai and Matis are ours for the taking, ours by right. Payment for the sacrifices we have made for them.
Vote for me and take the path back to Empire.
Vote for me and regain what it means to by Fyrosian."
Dios Speech
"The future cannot be found in the past.
We must not always look to past glories and seek to repeat them, rather we should look to making our own, new, brighter future.
Our past is not all imperial finery and great victorious battles. It is us who disturbed the Kitin, it is us who set the fires. We have as much to be ashamed of as to be proud of and it is guilt, not responsibility that weighs us down.
Let no homin say that the Fyros do not live up to their responsibilities, let no homin say we do not learn from our mistakes. We have made those mistakes so that others do not have to.
Our future lies with the Kami, living in harmony with our land as the Zorai do. Theirs is a way of peace and preservation, one that us desert dwellers should know all too well.
As we waste not a drop of water so we must learn not to waste any other of the precious resources that Ma-Duk blesses us with.
Others must also be brought to the light and truth of this path. Our old allies the Tryker with whom we have shared water, and yes, even the Matis should be given a chance to mend their ways.
Together, as one, freed from the watchful eye of the Karavan we can explore our past and our history, we can discover more about Atys, about the Kitin, about ourselves
Vote for me, vote for peace, knowledge and learning.""
Heed my words!
Re: We the People
The race for the Imperial Senatorial seat is picking up speed:
To help fund her campaign to be elected to the Fyrosian senate, Senator Dios requests that those who support her cause and her election assist her in a great, fundraising dig of Amber.
Starting at Cerakos gate in Pyr, today at 9pm GMT/4pm EST.
Senator Dios herself will speak to her supporters before the dig commences.
To help fund her campaign to be elected to the Fyrosian senate, Senator Dios requests that those who support her cause and her election assist her in a great, fundraising dig of Amber.
Starting at Cerakos gate in Pyr, today at 9pm GMT/4pm EST.
Senator Dios herself will speak to her supporters before the dig commences.
Heed my words!
Re: We the People
What do we know of the late Senator Aqui? What measures did he take for the fyrosian and hominkind? Was he loved, feared, hatred? Did he rule with ironhand under the supervision of Emperor Dexton? What happened to him.
As a homin, I'm still puzzled about the meaning of death. I think I still don't fully understand its meaning. Why do homins, like the Marshal or other brave homins die? Are their seed gone as thus the higher power are unable to bring them back to life?
I cannot but listen to the words of the candidates with caution.
As a homin, I'm still puzzled about the meaning of death. I think I still don't fully understand its meaning. Why do homins, like the Marshal or other brave homins die? Are their seed gone as thus the higher power are unable to bring them back to life?
I cannot but listen to the words of the candidates with caution.
Anissa - Jena's Lost Tribe -
Re: We the People
The following information was handed over by the candidates this morning:
Senatorial Candidates Xalis and Dios are seeking assistants to aid them in their campaigns for election. To pledge your support please meet the candidates at the Intendent's Palace tonight 16th of february at 9pm GMT/4pm EST.
Senatorial Candidates Xalis and Dios are seeking assistants to aid them in their campaigns for election. To pledge your support please meet the candidates at the Intendent's Palace tonight 16th of february at 9pm GMT/4pm EST.
Heed my words!
Re: We the People
People of the Burning Desert! Proud Fyros and all citizens of Pyr! Here once more is evidence of what I have been saying.
Senator Xalis has openly exposed himself as a tool of the conspiracy to enslave all homins. The path that he preaches will only succeed in further dividing homins into warring factions that will never have a chance of overcoming the kami and karavan oppressors. He strives to push us into fighting our friends instead of uniting to realize the true destiny of hominkind. His own shortsightedness blinds him to the fact that his path leads only to chains - unless he has received promises from his masters. Perhaps he has been offered power over the slaves he creates in return for betraying his people!
I call upon you all to reject this choice. Stay off the path to slavery and send the puppet back to his masters empty-handed!
------- Radsul --------
Senator Xalis has openly exposed himself as a tool of the conspiracy to enslave all homins. The path that he preaches will only succeed in further dividing homins into warring factions that will never have a chance of overcoming the kami and karavan oppressors. He strives to push us into fighting our friends instead of uniting to realize the true destiny of hominkind. His own shortsightedness blinds him to the fact that his path leads only to chains - unless he has received promises from his masters. Perhaps he has been offered power over the slaves he creates in return for betraying his people!
I call upon you all to reject this choice. Stay off the path to slavery and send the puppet back to his masters empty-handed!
------- Radsul --------
Inaeroth - Exile
Radsul - Desert Forager & Conspiracy Theorist
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"The winner is the person that still loves the game after years of playing it
and not the person who caps first and then can't think of anything else to do."
- Sauveteur
Radsul - Desert Forager & Conspiracy Theorist
Screenshot gallery
"The winner is the person that still loves the game after years of playing it
and not the person who caps first and then can't think of anything else to do."
- Sauveteur
Re: We the People
so this stays on topic i posted to an old thread http://ryzom.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2 ... stcount=44iphdrunk wrote:As a homin, I'm still puzzled about the meaning of death. I think I still don't fully understand its meaning. Why do homins, like the Marshal or other brave homins die? Are their seed gone as thus the higher power are unable to bring them back to life?
Aajolea, Fashion Consultant
Matisian Royal Lancers
Crafter of Multi-race Light armour, Medium armour, shields, Bucklers, 1h axe, pike, Jewels, amps, auto-launchers and spears. (q250)
Matisian Royal Lancers
Crafter of Multi-race Light armour, Medium armour, shields, Bucklers, 1h axe, pike, Jewels, amps, auto-launchers and spears. (q250)
Re: We the People
The candidates for the Imperial Senatorial seat are searching high and low for support and homins willing to pledge to their cause. Look out for the candidates in your local town tonight!
Last edited by Tidings on Fri Feb 17, 2006 11:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Heed my words!
Re: We the People
Thanks to the efforts of an old war hero and some dutiful homin the following information was found in old papers, regarding Xalis' claim to the Senatorial seat.
"It is the special committee's finding that the Xalis family claim to nobility and senatorship is, at best, questionable and at worst lies and treason."
"Under normal circumstances the committee would recommend a deeper investigation into the family and the potential confiscation of its lands and a withholding of its priveledges."
"Given the current situation with the Kitin swarming however this matter will have to be left to rest, to be investigated at a later time once the crisis is over."
The Imperial Senate has considered these revelations and makes the following statement...
"While this information is grave and casts doubts over Xalis' claim to the senatorial seat the current senate wishes to extend the benefit of the doubt to the Xalis line."
"As such Xalis may continue to run, in recognition of the Xalis family's service to the Empire over the years and the dated nature of the controversy. In these new lands problems from the old lands should not be allowed to cloud and interfere with our new lives."
Needless to say, this revelation has greatly boosted the support for Dios...
"It is the special committee's finding that the Xalis family claim to nobility and senatorship is, at best, questionable and at worst lies and treason."
"Under normal circumstances the committee would recommend a deeper investigation into the family and the potential confiscation of its lands and a withholding of its priveledges."
"Given the current situation with the Kitin swarming however this matter will have to be left to rest, to be investigated at a later time once the crisis is over."
The Imperial Senate has considered these revelations and makes the following statement...
"While this information is grave and casts doubts over Xalis' claim to the senatorial seat the current senate wishes to extend the benefit of the doubt to the Xalis line."
"As such Xalis may continue to run, in recognition of the Xalis family's service to the Empire over the years and the dated nature of the controversy. In these new lands problems from the old lands should not be allowed to cloud and interfere with our new lives."
Needless to say, this revelation has greatly boosted the support for Dios...
Heed my words!
Re: We the People
Dios always had my vote. I have not been able to attend the fundraising campaigns in the last few days since time is something I lack these days. However I have been observing the two candidates and since the start Xalis speech convince me that his intentions are more lenient to a personal agenda than the welfare of Fyros citizens. I hope the citizens of Fyros will realize that voting for Xalis will only bring us tribulations with our neighbors. Fyro lands have been in its share of unwanted turmoil and with the resent Kitin attacks I feel we should be concentrating on building a stronger city and warranting allies, not seeking war with our neighbors.
As Dios said in her speech Together, as one, freed from the watchful eye of the Karavan we can explore our past and our history, we can discover more about Atys, about the Kitin, about ourselves. These are the words of a leader, someone who can see beyond personal grudges and who will fight for the betterment of Fyros citizens. We should focus on the future now alongside Senator Dios. The future although unclear is ours to make and we must act now in amalgamation, Kamis and Neutrals, to protect the lands we cherish.
As Dios said in her speech Together, as one, freed from the watchful eye of the Karavan we can explore our past and our history, we can discover more about Atys, about the Kitin, about ourselves. These are the words of a leader, someone who can see beyond personal grudges and who will fight for the betterment of Fyros citizens. We should focus on the future now alongside Senator Dios. The future although unclear is ours to make and we must act now in amalgamation, Kamis and Neutrals, to protect the lands we cherish.
~* Trixie Seiren *~
Roleplayer/Queen of Melons
Roleplayer/Queen of Melons
Trixie's Comic Book Series
The Sirens of Atys|The New Beginning|CSR Interviews

Trixie's Comic Book Series
The Sirens of Atys|The New Beginning|CSR Interviews