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Re: Observations from a new player.

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 12:11 pm
by blaah
hodokie wrote:but that's what I mean about binding mutliple keys/mouse buttons to a single action, mainly movement.
just checked in-game, and seems that all actions where you need to hold key down to feel the effect, is not enabled in macro (kind makes sence ;-)

so, cant use movement keys in macros ;-(

Re: Observations from a new player.

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:38 pm
by iwojimmy
for myself, i move in a number of different ways.
The arrow keys, occasionally.
the End key, press to start running, then just steer. Great for travelling long distances through easy areas, (like Fyros :p )
find someone else travelling the same way, and activate "follow" on them, steering is then their problem :)
probably what I use most is the mouse, holding right button down for mouse-look then just adding the left button to start motoring along.

having Follow in a macro, available on a simple keypress, is one of the most convenient things I have done to the UI. That and the aggro watch-list :)

Re: Observations from a new player.

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:44 pm
by desertt
hodokie wrote:Well I use both my hands for movment depending on what I'm doing. In surveying or combat, I would like to use the arror keys with my right hand for moment and when just traveling, use the W, S, A, and D keys with the mouse to just move and look around. I also use my thumb buttons on my mouse to move forward and backwards. It's mainly a convenience and not a show stopper per say, but that's what I mean about binding mutliple keys/mouse buttons to a single action, mainly movement.

if you want to change certain keys press K there i changed the movement keys myself to WASD to walk and did my action book to the spacebar and use the END button to run long distances or using the follow option


Re: Observations from a new player.

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:58 pm
by kayak
xycox wrote: Xycox- currently the most negligent HO on arispotle, playing civ IV but il be back in soon
rofl.. yes come back soon xy we need soe jools and tehr is a kitin invasion on saturday :P

i think prety much everything has been answered here but a little tip... go find a bunch of wandering npc's first then look for the corresponding missions.

enjoy your stay :)