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Re: Rumours in the Desert
Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 9:56 pm
by legokid
This is getting out of hand. Where are the Lord and The Lady their people are underattack in their grand city! At least set up some more guards or even Kami and Karavan camps at each gate.
Im going to look for clues, my own kid are vanishing, and the Lord and Lady are doing NOTHING! If these bandits want power ill give them power straight into a nest of kittin. They attack at night so ill scan Pyr when the moon is high. May Jena be with me, forgive me Aqua.
Re: Rumours in the Desert
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:40 pm
by turjake
Today while I was meditating below the Tree at Zora when there arrived two travelers. Those two were looking for escort to Trench of Trials in order to commemmorate the dead of Fyros who fell in Kitin Wars. As they approached us at the tree, Izumi promised them her help. As I know that the trip could be hard and dangerous, I offered to help as well as did Marax. When waiting if any more people would join us, the travelers, Tongue and Breath, urged us to leave in haste, before their wreaths were all wilted.
The travel to the Trench was pretty uneventful, except some questions from our escortees about Zorai and how Izumi and I had ended up into there. As we went through the gate and entered the roots we were asked to escort them to the nearest abandoned outpost, where they could get their bearings. As we approached the outpost, the pair attacked Izumi and full battle started - due some freak in magic continuum I couldn't heal Izumi at all and had to concentrate on Marax. After short but intense battle, all of us were alive if taken in some slight wounds and the travelers were lying dying in the ground.
At their dying breath the following words were uttered:
Breath says: The Dragon will come for you
Lwiz says: Or we go for the dragon
Breath says : You may have escaped this time but the Dragon will come for you
Izumi says : We do not fear.
Breath says : You will fear
Tongue says : *croak* you will... all wil burn...
Marax says : only hot air...
So the Cult of Dragon seems to be bolting into action. Fellow homins, be on lookout for the Cult surfacing elsewhere.
Re: Rumours in the Desert
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 4:36 pm
by dmetxix
As Lwiz said, the two travelers asked kindly to the people in Zora if someone could escort them to their destination, so I offered them my help. I should've suspected something when they seemed very eager to leave, and didn't want the party to become too big.
When we arrived at the outpost in Grove of Umbra, I told my partymembers to do their best not to let them get caught in the crossfire as we ward off any hostile creatures. Almost immediately after that they both started to attack me. While Tongue was not much of a threat, Breath hurt me pretty badly with his magic, but I was able to survive with the help of Marax' swordfighting skills.
I thank both Lwiz and Marax for assisting me and making sure we lived to tell the tale of these backstabbing dragon worshippers.
Re: Rumours in the Desert
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 1:34 am
by legokid
Well im alive with a arm that hurts like, well never mind here what happened, there is something going on in Pyr, but were getting closer.
It was twilight, and the winds blew sand all over my clothes. I lowered my goggle and continue on to the south west gate, where the guards stopped me.
Halt, what business do you have in Pyr at this late in the day? A guard asked holding her blaster in front of me.
Do find the evils who are kidnapping homins! I yelled pushing her gun out of the way.
Your insane, we have guards at the gate and its locked shut till be find these kidnappers. The guard said pushing me back into the sands.
Let me in, im not of afraid of death, plus Im Windra the Wind guardian. I responded, while I dusted myself off.
Never heard of you, but I see you wont give up, so go on in, you were warned. She said stepping aside.
I said nothing, so I just walk up the turning path to the main city. The city was very silent, the moon was rising and only torches lit the streets. As I passed shops and houses, I heard whispers like A Tryker at this hour? That one is insane. Why is he here?
I just kept on walking till I reached the fountain. I decided to rest and take a drink of the pure water. The guards just starred at me like everyone else and it was starting tick me off. I slowly formed an acid ball about ready to hit one of those guards, but I stopped, I knew I couldnt take on all these guards and if I could I would have the whole city after me.
I checked the sky, the moon was high, time to find these Dragon lovers. I took on last drink of water and set off toward the gate where no one returns.
Jena I know youre with me, help me stop these evil from awakening the Dragon. I whispered into the sky.
With in minutes I was at the turns that lead to the gate. I took a huge gulp and slid my amps on. The walk now the path and found myself at dead end. The gate was locked a stone wall covered the firewall. I scanned the area but I found nothing.
I lead against the wall and waited, I must of fallen asleep because when I woke up the moon was shining right on me. But who woke me up? Deep down I knew it was Jena, so I turned to leave when a dagger sliced my arm.
Clutching my arm I spun around to see a Fryos, a Matis, and a Tryker dressed in black grinning at me.
Well well, Windra the Wind guardian, nice to see you, wheres Aqua or your guildies.
Leave them alone, the dragon will never reawaken, and you will join it, now die! I screamed shooting a shockwave ball at them, but they dodge it and laughed.
Your weak, but we need your gift of Jena, so just come with us and well let you and the other live. The Matis said extending his hand.
What do you think the Dragon will give you for your help, Ill tell you nothing but a quick death. I yelled tossing a dagger at him, which sliced all the way up his arm.
He screamed and vanished into the wall behind him. In the distance I heard the shouts of the Kami, Karavan, and the guards. I tried an Ice Spray but they dodged it as well, I had to do something, I was losing too much blood.
No they heard us, kill him we need his gift. The Tryker yelled
The Fryos came at me with a pike he pulled from the wall, I cast a grand wind that pushed him against the wall. He struggled to his feet, now the Tryker came a me with a sword. I also heard the Karavan yelling down here, hurry. The sounds of feet filled the air and my mind.
With the last of my energy I cast a spell I didnt know I could and Im not sure what is was either. Im not sure what happened next I remember I bright light and of shouts. I woke up in cold sweat and a Fryos healer was patching my arm. I was in a hospital, a Karavan officer was standing next to my bed.
Well done Windra you gave us so much information on this cult. We got pieces of cloth, blood, weapons, and other items. Jena wants me to give to this, youll know what to do with it when the time. She said.
She handed me a silk bag the contained a pendent, with a blue crystal in the center. Inside the crystal was a wind that was moving. There was also another pendent in the bag, same as the wind one, but water was moving in the crystal.
Best you get some sleep young one, you need it. The Fryos healer said to me and left.
I put the pendants on the table next to the bed and fell asleep.