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Re: A warning Karavan supporters and peace loving neutrals...

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:05 pm
by xeraphim
i tell you what... I dinged 60 in 2h Ranged the other day!!!
Maybe he saw me stylin it with my rifle and thought he better warn all you kara guys about me..... HAHHAHA ROFL...
*wipes tear from eye*

You guys scared yet?


Re: A warning Karavan supporters and peace loving neutrals...

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:17 pm
by hans1976

Better beware yourself, this is kind of over the top.

Re: A warning Karavan supporters and peace loving neutrals...

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:26 pm
by kostika
simein wrote:That will happen in due time. Right now just wanted to get the warning out there.

Your words mean nothing unless you have the guts to stand behind them. Gutless words are nothing but cowardess. Show yourself or shut it.

Re: A warning Karavan supporters and peace loving neutrals...

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:41 pm
by simein
hans1976 wrote:
Better beware yourself, this is kind of over the top.
If this topic get removed because it's considered trolling and flaming, then I will fully accept that Ryzom has no hope.
xeraphim wrote: And people will be far more interested in what you have to say if you have a sig with your in game name on it..
Just to point something out...
It's been an hour and a half. This topic is now 2 pages and has been viewed 150 times. I think I've been pretty successful in getting people to notice what I have to say.

Finally I'd like to point out that the title does say Karavan supporters and peace loving neutrals. If it was an issue of just being mean to players why would I have taken the time to use lore related terms. Some people are just way to uptight and need to unplug.

Re: A warning Karavan supporters and peace loving neutrals...

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:43 pm
by rushin
simein wrote:If this topic get removed because it's considered trolling and flaming, then I will fully accept that Ryzom has no hope.
I wouldn't consider it either, although it might have been better placed on one of the rp boards :) But to put things in context Simein has made a rather good post there as well..

Re: A warning Karavan supporters and peace loving neutrals...

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:55 pm
by dhuberma
xeraphim wrote:i tell you what... I dinged 60 in 2h Ranged the other day!!!
Maybe he saw me stylin it with my rifle and thought he better warn all you kara guys about me..... HAHHAHA ROFL...

More likely, he saw you stylin' with your rifle and realized, "uh oh - I better toss Xerpahim a heal, or he's toast!" :p

Re: A warning Karavan supporters and peace loving neutrals...

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:56 pm
by xeraphim
simein wrote:If this topic get removed because it's considered trolling and flaming, then I will fully accept that Ryzom has no hope.

Just to point something out...
It's been an hour and a half. This topic is now 2 pages and has been viewed 150 times. I think I've been pretty successful in getting people to notice what I have to say.

Finally I'd like to point out that the title does say Karavan supporters and peace loving neutrals. If it was an issue of just being mean to players why would I have taken the time to use lore related terms. Some people are just way to uptight and need to unplug.

Hahha have you seen my posts?? not exactly uptight mate..
I think the problem is you have posted a roleplay oriented post in the general chat forum. it seems out of place and unnatural that you have worded it in an aggressive manner..

Also please note .. nobody is wondering what this great threat is to the Kara is about.. they are wondering why the hell you have posted this here... - wrong kind of attention buddy.

I saw your RP posts and they were quite good actually.. and i assume now that that is the angle you were taking.
My suggestion would be to repost this in the Saga / roleplaying section mate.
As then people know that you are using an In game context and your post could be taken as the eerie RP warning that i'm sure it was intended as...
Rather than people going wtf is this guy on about?

Re: A warning Karavan supporters and peace loving neutrals...

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:59 pm
by xeraphim
dhuberma wrote:More likely, he saw you stylin' with your rifle and realized, "uh oh - I better toss Xerpahim a heal, or he's toast!" :p
hahahha nice one eppy .. you did infact toss me a heal the other day didn't you? :D
But I think i was fairly safe with the OO Izams :D

*nervously twitches at fluttering sound behind him*

Re: A warning Karavan supporters and peace loving neutrals...

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:03 pm
by jarko
dynz ? mmm

Re: A warning Karavan supporters and peace loving neutrals...

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 8:15 pm
by yaten
Understand this, whoever you are: assuming you're allied with the Kami, the Karavan allies ARE properly your enemy. You seem to be declaring yourself the enemy of neutrals as well, and this could be unwise ... people will take somebody who has declared them enemy as enemies, and you may not have much support...