tridman wrote:It would most probably mean you would have to monitor any outpost on atys.
Hence, introducing additional chat chanels for OP wars in their current implementation would mean that any attacker or defender of any outpost would read and write to exactly the same chanel as all the others. And, besides the great possibility of spying, I think this would be quite confusing.
Quite right. We've all been focused on the individual battle we cared about, but this could absolutely happen and would create great confusion.
Given these issues and the upcoming Spires, I think the only viable solution will be some sort of multi-team channel as I suggested below. Much more controlled and flexible. And before we assume that Spires can be handled by faction channels, remember that multiple faction battles could be happening at the same time. A single faction channel would be just as confusing as a single "Attack" channel.
@Devs - please consider doing something on these lines before you release the Spires. This communication issue is only going to get worse.
If multi-team "battallions" aren't possible, then allow us to create temporary named channels that can be accessed by invitation only and where the channel creator can boot people from it if needed. Given the potential size, make it so named channels can have multiple moderators if the creator so designates. For non-battle use, allow the creator to designate a channel as "open" so anyone can join if they wish.
Don't be afraid to make the interface for this entirely command driven if it'll save time. For example:
/Channel Create ChannelName
/Channel Drop ChannelName
/Channel Invite ChannelName InviteeName
/Channel Boot ChannelName InviteeName
(if it's command driven, creating a macro to add lots of standard people would be relatively easy without any special coding)
The only command that really needs to be in the GUI is the "Invite". Add that to the popup when you right-click on a player character. Obviously, additional GUI elements wouldn't be a bad thing, but if it's quicker to do this with commands, I say it's OK, IMO.
Bottom line: We need a better communication method for this PvP thing to work out the way you hope it will. Something with generic flexibility will provide the maximum amount of usefulness for your efforts.