Re: Pyr -an Atys Ghosts video
Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:33 am
i think you're right, Acridiel...i've had a look at various song lyric sites when filling in the text and they all wrote what you see in the video...googling again brought up some results that tell a different i have about 3 different versions of the song lyrics in front of
i'm gonna correct it tonight to what *seems* to be the right lyrics
for the overlays i used Premiere and can create a greyscale image and use it as the alpha channel of an image. Took some experimenting around but worked in the end
@tyilin: yep, i'm using a registered version of fraps...but you can get rid of the '' text easily:
capture video in full frame for best resolution, then in your video editing software, just zoom in slightly so you won't see the fraps text'll still have good vid quality without any annoying text and you don't lose much since it's only the borders that get cut away
i'm gonna correct it tonight to what *seems* to be the right lyrics

for the overlays i used Premiere and can create a greyscale image and use it as the alpha channel of an image. Took some experimenting around but worked in the end

@tyilin: yep, i'm using a registered version of fraps...but you can get rid of the '' text easily:
capture video in full frame for best resolution, then in your video editing software, just zoom in slightly so you won't see the fraps text'll still have good vid quality without any annoying text and you don't lose much since it's only the borders that get cut away