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Re: I want to fight for Kami cause!! What guild should I join?
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 3:44 pm
by kyesmith
[QUOTE=platoman] strongest Kami guild is Infinity. Though they have a reputation for aggressively protecting their territories in PR. [QUOTE]
Infinity are one of the most powerful guilds yes, and in the past they have had a bad rep, altho i belive them to be changed and ive never had an issue with them, infact i used to get on with them very well.
hope thats helpful
i would recommend MoV (sumsum) great guild very helpful
Re: I want to fight for Kami cause!! What guild should I join?
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 4:07 pm
by kostika
platoman wrote:
So my question is: Is it true that Infinity are the strongest Kami guild? And what kind of members thay take? (newbs)
That is a matter of interpritation. I don't think there is a single guild that is the strongest Kami guild. Each has their weaknesses and strengths.
Re: I want to fight for Kami cause!! What guild should I join?
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:34 pm
by buupi
What is strongnest?
Strong will and devotion on warm light of Ma-Duk or numbers of swarming lost herds without true purpose or will to follow zorai ways.
Is it more desired way to have great numbers of homins who barely can stand eachother or even see they position in the great design of kamis?
I'd prefer to stand strong on will, make network to friendly homins, who share our thoughts and stand united in brotherhood of believers.
Our path is not allways easy. It takes sacrifices on personal desires and lot of time to make one ready for forthcoming trials. Path is sumtimes hidden in lures of power and ignorance, but when ye find this path, only choice ye have is to embrace it and stand still on light of Ma-Duk.
Path can be found, we can point some directions to it, but after all ye have to make choice to step on it.
If ye do, ye newer know... it might be ride of yer lifetime *grins*
Re: I want to fight for Kami cause!! What guild should I join?
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:45 pm
by g00st
dont talk to Ghuiss he's a bit crazy! must be the Goo
Re: I want to fight for Kami cause!! What guild should I join?
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 12:59 am
by totnkopf
kyesmith wrote:
Infinity are one of the most powerful guilds yes, and in the past they have had a bad rep, altho i belive them to be changed and ive never had an issue with them, infact i used to get on with them very well.
aye... we did have a change in policy towards the supernodes. Been quite peaceful down there the past few in-game years.
If you're wanting info on Infinity, send a tell to Brithlem, Lillaryn, or Praha and they should be able to answer any questions you have.
Re: I want to fight for Kami cause!! What guild should I join?
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 2:03 pm
by basicart
Aya i would say if ya looking for a strong kami guild Infinitys for you.
Re: I want to fight for Kami cause!! What guild should I join?
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 10:57 pm
by brithlem
Hey there Kami faithful,
Send me (Brithlem), Praha, Morgaine, or Lillaryn a tell. We're the uber-dorks that are always on... or if you prefer... send one of us an in game email or post your name here... and we'll find you... that way we can't miss each other time and time again.
As a sidebar, Kye... Basic... thank you both for your kind words.
See you all in game,
Re: I want to fight for Kami cause!! What guild should I join?
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:12 am
by komissar
Re: I want to fight for Kami cause!! What guild should I join?
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:23 am
by brithlem
No worries man,
We don't have any lvl requirements... no race requirements.. and no playtime requirements.... just willingness to help wheere you can. So don't let the level requirement thing worry you.
Fire us a tell, we'll get the ball rolling,
Re: I want to fight for Kami cause!! What guild should I join?
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:25 am
by platoman
Thank you all for commenting and for giving me the precious info.
I really appreciate your efforts.
I have made up my mind and my final choice will be.... (drum roll) ... The Infinity.
If the guild will take me of course, for I am yet a noob with rather low stats but high determination.
Brithlem, Morgaine, I thank you for answering my plea in person
I will be contacting you ingame next time I show up. That is going to happen on wednesday earliest necause they are doing maintenance works on our server.
As I said my ingame name is Plato. My race is Zorai and i will tend to be a bit more melee then magic oriented with some crafting as a side-focus.
Thank you all again guys.
P.S. The best thing about Ryzom is that you meet the web's best people all in one place