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Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 11:00 am
by nyibe
If your putting an auction system in patch one.. There is one Thing that you MUST NOT FORGET .. We need the ablity to split stacked items.. There is no real way of selling materials as it is.
Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 12:01 pm
by Satchi
nyibe wrote:If your putting an auction system in patch one.. There is one Thing that you MUST NOT FORGET .. We need the ablity to split stacked items.. There is no real way of selling materials as it is.
Yes. This is on the way.
I asked the devs about 85 questions on Friday (no joke) This was #34 on the list.
34. Will there be a way to trade only a certain amount of raw materials?
Yes. The stacks issue is broken and being fixed in Patch One.
Many small outstanding issues are being fixed in P1. In the patch notes, we've listed mostly the major things.
Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 12:13 pm
by jenuviel
One channel idea that found life on many MUDs was a "flame" channel. It was essentially a channel in which nearly anything other than racist/sexist/anti-religion and other such stuff could be used. The catch was that since swearing and other bad behavior was allowed there, it was restricted from the other public channels. It creates a place for the problem-children to go, and in so doing removes them from areas where they're less appreciated.
A line or two in the EULA, a means for players to report offenders, some sort of minor penalty for violating said line in the EULA, and the situation essentially takes care of itself. Bad behavior and language -will- happen, and it does set a certain tone. By channeling it into one area, however, it's much easier to bypass if you'd rather not be part of it.
The "looking for group" channel is a good idea. Many people prefer grouping, and having a specific locale to check would make it much easier.
The ability to create chat rooms is a very good idea. It's another feature that I saw on many MUDs. It pretty much allows people looking to talk about certain things to do so without dedicating an entire global or regional channel to it. If people want to roleplay themselves as persian cats? They have a room. If people want to discuss fantasy football? They have a room.
A global "guild" channel might be a good idea. Since guild culture will apparently be a large part of the game, there will no doubt be many people looking to recruit members or find the right organization for themself. A channel dedicated to this will keep recruiting messages out of the general area and give people a place to check when they're ready to start investigation guild options.
Another MUD channel- the Q&A channel. This is basically a place for people to ask and answer questions, a realtime version of an FAQ. People looking to share their knowledge monitor the chat and help out where they're needed. It was a fairly successful device in the MUD community.
That's about all I can think of. I'd like to take a moment and comment about the quick responses I've been noticing in Ryzom from the staff, though. I had a few technical problems in-game on my first day, and had a GM in front of me in no more than two minutes. The board responses from staff have been blisteringly quick as well. So far, the support and involvement I've seen has been unparalleled, and that's really made an impact on me. I'm so used to waiting hours or days for support in other games that I was quite flabbergasted when it appeared before my very eyes with no delay. Cheers to you for that. You've set a precedent there.
Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 2:04 pm
by parisg
I wanted to check the wishlist today and add my wishes:
A storyline! Why should I be killing Turn of the Tide (Which I, coming from newbie island, thought were just another species of animals)? I want to know what happened in the past.
Why keep people telling that they can initiate rites but they don't?
I really hope this will be changed with the 2nd patch! It was my only downer in this otherwise stunningly beautiful game!
Thanks Nevrax!
Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 4:05 pm
by jackovas
How about fixing the Sap Crystal bug?
Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 4:37 pm
by jumbala
For chat channels, the ability to form and password protect channels that worked globally would be great. After that, an auction channel would be nice, specifically if linking items into chat was implemented =D
My recommendation would have to be reviewing the lake mainland for trykers for invisible walls. They are everywhere. Actually got so frustrating that my friend and I switched over to FOTM Matis. Well that and the spaceman heavy tryker helmet, hah.
Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 5:33 pm
by reubensi
My personal gripes:
1. Selling more than one item to merchants. This needs to be fixed so that we can select the 5000 peices we have and sell them at once or select 5 different items to sell together. Its annoying to have a full pack and not be able to sell everything in one pop shot. Selling each individually is kinda lame, especially when you have a full pack. Maybe make a check box next to each stack, so you can click it and then scroll down the list checking boxes of stacks you want to sell?
2. I think the player towns are way over populated lol. There is like 50 npcs in each town that do nothing really. Just the little carrier quests, but thats tough to find each person. I tried a few of them and I couldnt find a damn person, it was a waste of time lol.
3. You should have NPC's who can explain things a little better, like stanzas, how to make your own spells, how to augment your weapons and gear, and maybe quests to do so like the other skills with the welcoming trainers.
4. Is there healing potions or sap potions? This is so annoying when I am out there hunting and I get owned because my timer which is way too long on my healing self thing is still greyed out. I really think the healing/support spells need to be looked at. If I want to aura my friends, the downtime between is kinda lame. Makes it hard to be a healer if I wanted to go that route.
5. Are there buff icons?
6. Also importantly in the player towns not noobieville, NPC's who give you a little direction, like a map. You want the trainer, you should go this way. the Tyker town is so annoying to go through and find who you are looking for and need. Maybe this is just my pet peeve lol.
7. Flavour, we need flavour quests and storys, npc's, rare monsters, uncommon monsters.
**** As it stands i just made it to the homeland and I really don't know what to do or go. I am just wandering around trying to find pc's who give flavour and an idea of where to go and what to do.
The game is awesome, and I am trying to sell it to my group of MMORPG friends who we all travel world to world together. I havent sold them yet on this game, but im working on it

Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 5:40 pm
by takhion
>You will start to see some divergence among the races abilities. (big hint here)
Well that worries me. There's no details on what this means,
Maybe I'm dense but I don't get the "hint".
In game people are talking about racial bonuses towards ranged weapons and magic and such. Someone is saying that Trykers will have advantages to ranged combat and Fryos will have advantages to melee combat. I don't know where they are getting this information. I sure don't see it on the boards. But this makes me worried.
For example, I'm planning on spending hundreds of skill points towards ranged and ammo crafting. If what fellow players are saying, that will leave me up a creek without a paddle because my community of buyers could potentiall dry up if Fryos have advantages to melee and not ranged after this patch. (this is just an example, but based on someone else's information in game, or their own pure conjecture)
I dont' want to spend hundreds of skill points towards ranged crafting only to see my community of buyers dry up because "Who wants a ranged weapon? We're better at melee!" Especially given that you can not trade those skill points in one they are spent. If we could change skill points out then I'd be more likely to accept changes to the system. But since we can't... changing the system would be like yanking the rug out from under the players would it not?
Can you clarify a bit what racial changes are being planned? Am I in danger of facing a scenario that would make me want to restart again?
Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 7:32 pm
by YellowSnow
I think the chats should be differentiated by different colors. Sometimes there are so many chats going on at the same time, it is hard to see who is responding to you without scrolling up and trying to find the response. So, make the players names in white and the messages in blue. That would make it easier to keep track of who you are chatting with...or not.
I like the idea of having a WTB/WTS and Roleplaying chats. And the "flaming" or say whatever the f*** you want to and not offend anyone else chats.
Re: News: Patch One & Patch Two
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 8:24 pm
by gralen
jackovas wrote:How about fixing the Sap Crystal bug?
Yes, whatever may be needed to track this one down. It impacts gaining mission items, sap crystals and crystalized spells and has been around for ages. Can we please see a large can of bug spray applied to this critter right away?
On a side note, I'm somewhat concerned by the future race divergence. I just hope that the experience will bring enough excitement to the game to warrant the inevitable backlash from players who will feel wronged by such a move. Of course, I could be totally off base here and everyone will love the change. I've been wrong before, so here's hoping.