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Re: [Q&A] Answers to questions from the boards - 2005-08-18
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:08 pm
by xenofur
just a quick note to alyssah: bulk means volume, not weight.
example: if you take a cube of lead, hammer it flat, and cut it into panes, then reassemble them, you will have a cube that has the same weight, but a far higher volume (bulk).
not to say that i wouldn't like to see a change there. ^^
Re: [Q&A] Answers to questions from the boards - 2005-08-18
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:16 pm
by Xavier Antoviaque
alyssah wrote:Xavier - I am over the moon. I actually got a straight answer to my question. If you keep this up I will give you one of the simplest but tastiest recipes in the whole world (as verified by a french chef friend of mine) and unique.
rofl, I'll try to answer you here, even if I don't have the complete answer - it would be worth submitting it for a Q&A.
Lets try you out then. The range system is not under orders for any revamp atm. How about lightening the ammo a little? Launcher ammo takes 12 mats (6 bulk) to make 3 grenades. 3 grenades are 45 bulk. I have heard about the miracle of the loaves & fishes but I think even JC would be pleased to make this transformation. Could we not have this set a bit more realistically at say 15 bulk. Also auto ammo could have a similar adjustment made.
Without the bulk limitation, ranged weapons would quickly be way too powerful, as they don't have to cope with the magic and melee limitations. So we would have to be *really* careful if we were to do something here, as it could completely reverse the balance.
However, as previously stated, don't take this as the definitive answer on this subject.
Now before you go on about the difficulty, just remember how quickly bulk was ammended on the tp tickets. So don't use that excuse. Just think, in a little while you could be tucking into a mouth watering, Cordon Bleu main course that takes less than 30 mins to cook.
Now I want my recipe.
Re: [Q&A] Answers to questions from the boards - 2005-08-18
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 12:41 am
by kaetemi
Xavier Antoviaque wrote:Without the bulk limitation, ranged weapons would quickly be way too powerful
Lower is not without
Re: [Q&A] Answers to questions from the boards - 2005-08-18
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 1:25 am
by alyssah
Well Xavier that gets you 2/3rds of it. Unfortunately the last 1/3rd is the most important part.
If you want to deal in reality about ammo, there are forty rifle bullets taking up no noticeable bulk at all. Now forty bullets in a magazine would take up say half or quarter of the space of a grenade. If you work it out on that basis it would not take up 15 bulk. 45 bulk allows me to carry about 10 grenades as well as other weps when its gone. Each grenade I craft at q130 can deal out about 900 dmg. I can shoot about 12 a minute doing max dmg (when it hits) of 10k +.
As a mage at q130, I have double fire or whatever that does what - 2k plus a shot. Cast time 3 secs tops. That gives potential for 40k dmg a minute. Healer heals and start again.
I don't start again. I'm frigged. I either get the shovel out or craft tool from my packer which is in a dangerous spot (or I wouldn't need the ammo in the first place) and say to the mobs, sorry guys I need a 10 minute time out. Do they listen? I can't wear armour because of the penalty so no real comparison with melee.
I'm not asking for a miracle or even preferential range balance (although it might encourage a few more to take it up) just a dimunition in the bulk so we can compete on any terms.
I'm pushing this because I think range can be an integral part of Outposts. Therefore we need a few changes in place now Xavier.
Ps. Thank you Xeno for your intellectual explanation of the physics of bulk. I'll bear that in mind for the future.
Pps. Weight no longer has as much relevance to ammo. That was changed about 3 or 4 months ago.
I omitted to answer your comment that range did not have restrictions like magic or melee. It is exactly like melee as you need stamina to use stanzas like aim, speed & target. Quite a lot of stam per shot. And there would still be a bulk consideration.
Re: [Q&A] Answers to questions from the boards - 2005-08-18
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 1:58 am
by alyssah
Xavier - this is alittle story for you and its in the right place (feedback) as its about FEEDing and happened way BACK.
5 people came into my reataurant in Tenerife, had a drink and a moan about the quality of the food in Las Americas in general. I invited them back for dinner.
I checked the freezer and I had enough pork fillet (I like about a kilo or a little more for 5) and at least 3 lamb chops. I always have single cream so no probs there.
At 6pm I started cooking the lamb chops in a med/high heat on a frying pan with about 3 tablespoons of olive oil, salt & a little pepper. I keep it simple so was also boiling up small potatoes in their skins with a simple green veg.
I then cut the fillet to give everyone 2 slices of pork pp. I removed the pan from the heat after about 10 mins, reduced the heat to low/med and removed the lamb chops from the pan.
When it had cooled a little I placed the pork in the oil, now flavoured with the lamb, and coated them with it. I put the pan back on the heat for 2 to 2.5 mins before turninf the fillets over. After about 2 mins I then added 16 fl ozs of single cream to the pan, further lowering the heat so that the cream only bubbled slightly. Salt again now to suit your taste.
Once the cream bubbled a little, I took the pan away from the heat and allowed the flavours to mix. I arranged the plates with halved potatoes (to absorb the flavour easier) and I'll give you the rest of the story when I get the rest of my answer.
Just joking. That is it. Keep it simple first time and then you can elaborate later. However, the flavour is delicate and strong flavours can ruin the balance. I used either green beans or asparagus as the veg. Hope you are not a veggie or religiously restricted because you will miss a treat.
I served my 5 customers about 25 mins after they arrived and got serious compliments. As I was walking away one of them called me back and said that was the best pork they had ever eaten. I thanked him and turned to leave but he said that he didn't think that I fully understood the compliment.
You see, they were 3 farmers and 2 wives whose living was farming Norfolk pork.
Re: [Q&A] Answers to questions from the boards - 2005-08-18
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 9:22 am
by thlau
alyssah wrote:Pps. Weight no longer has any relevance to ammo. That was changed about 3 or 4 months ago.
I'm sorry to correct you here, but weight still has a relevance to ammo. Even if
its a marginal one. I remember that I can't move anymore if I try to carry 2000 rounds of bowrifle ammo.
This happened as I crafted ammo, and noticed that the success rate for the crafting dropped rapidly.