EVENT: Blackwater Pirate Treasure Hunt!

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Re: EVENT: Blackwater Pirate Treasure Hunt!

Post by seawe »




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Re: EVENT: Blackwater Pirate Treasure Hunt!

Post by sx4rlet »

Thanks for all who were attending the event.

Sekhmet's team was too fast for all other teams to gather all mythical pirate items. (The Ring of Arr, the Boots of the Sea, the Treasure Vest, the Salty Pants and the Pirate Dagger)
So they didnt need to fight over the treasure.

Quite some people asked where the hiding spots were:

Libesky was hiding in the Blackwater region

GunnerCry was hiding in the kipee cave, southeast of Windermeer

IgnoranceStew, our pirate cook, was hiding in the kipee cave east of Fairhaven

GhastlyGilbert was hiding on a small island west of lakenisle.

Gibuka was hiding near Windermeer.

I hope you had fun, and thanks to all member of evolution for organizing!
Sxarlet - Pink Rez Gadget of Evolution

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Re: EVENT: Blackwater Pirate Treasure Hunt!

Post by carrie »

The event was great fun. Thank you to all the Blackwater Pirates/Evolution for such a well thought out and interesting event, as well as the generous treasure. Thank you to my fabulous teammates: Nayr, Keiko, Ghuiss, Navra, Manku and Bijam - without them I'd still be trying to find my way from the stables of Fairhaven to Blackwater.
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Re: EVENT: Blackwater Pirate Treasure Hunt!

Post by g00st »

One word: YEY!

Garh ghuiss will explain later :)
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Re: EVENT: Blackwater Pirate Treasure Hunt!

Post by kurita »

Kudos for the Winners =)
YEY to the ProjektMayhem Piratehunters :D

hey Boss Ghuiss, these places sounds like the old hideouts from your piratingdays you showed me once ;)
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