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Re: Extremes of Ryzom: Favorite vs. hated

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 3:59 pm
by iphdrunk

* Most of the game, otherwise I wouldn't be playing :D
* Did anyone else mention "the community"?


* Having to admit that I am an addict, and realizing I've changed a few aspects of my real life around playing ryzom. Knowing that I play way too much.

* The high level blues: I tend to think the game ends at 150, you become a more powerful copy of yourself, game gets into 'scaling mode': it should be trivial to extend the max lvl 250 to 500.. just find suitable names 'great, very great, extremely great, extremely very great', skills are 'accurate attack/acid 31' optimized for mobs of level l.

* The fact that there is little incentive (other than the fun :) ) to work on several trees other than keep you grinding, e.g. working from 151 sword to 201 sword if you are already 201 pike.

* The fact that the "hybrid team" with players of all levels mixed in and having fun is hard to balance.. either you cap or you miss a lot, that's the holy grail I guess. In this line, the hard time to level towards your 250 in big and fun groups unless chaining nameds -- being fixed --

* The messed up rite system (not the rites, their implementation) I was expecting this for xmas, snafued rite release, spagetthi rite code, having to check on a list / web page if the rite can be completed or not, and finally, reading that the rite system is stalled (as per Xavier post), what makes me think that the core system is sooo messed up that needs a complete rewrite from scratch.

* The lore decoupled from the game, and the inconsistencies.

Re: Extremes of Ryzom: Favorite vs. hated

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:57 pm
by kashius
Hello all.

The environments are some of the best I've seen. (Except the fact that water is just a plane with no depth)

Melee on a whole is unfinished and fairly bland. Weapons don't have any differentiation.

Won't go into a thing about melee AGAIN, so I'll leave it at that.


Re: Extremes of Ryzom: Favorite vs. hated

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 8:09 pm
by rushin
likes very very much the world - all the parts of it; graphics, mobs, style and of course community. The thing that got me hooked was sitting on a hill on the starter island for an age watching ragus hunt.

dislikes the lack of balance in skills and 'optimal' characters which its very difficult not to gravitate to at higher levels. After nearly a year at retail combat should be balanced and rewarding whatever skill u want to use. nuff said ;)

Re: Extremes of Ryzom: Favorite vs. hated

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 8:11 pm
by larwood

Wide variety of... everthing. Although as some have said past 150 in any level you are just repeating yourself, I like how there are so many things i can do and the intricate nature of these things... and crafting... well, findind different cominations, and recipies for amps, armor, weps.... i think its very insightful.

I recently was at a friends home, who was playing Lineage 2... He had a mage character, a healer, a melee... etc etc... seperate toons for different skills. How annoying!


Unfinished buisness... broken TP's, Rites, Outposts, etc...

Re: Extremes of Ryzom: Favorite vs. hated

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:41 pm
by vguerin
Like: What the game was supposed to be...

Dislike: What we are still missing after all this time...

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Re: Extremes of Ryzom: Favorite vs. hated

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 4:48 am
by pure2000
LIKE : comunity

DISLIKE : the game NO FREKIN UPDATES.. same stuff over and over again

Re: Extremes of Ryzom: Favorite vs. hated

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 7:19 am
by tylarth
likes: the concept, the difference from conventional fantasy/SF mmorpg. Both in story background and character development.

dislikes: The reality of gameplay and its relation to the story. There is a rich story that rarely is shown in gameplay conditions, thus history, rites, politics, racial and faction prejudices have just the basics of content/story. The plotline for war for example really seems to be just another event, as kami/karavan fame is of little consequence. tp ticket prices don't even change.

Re: Extremes of Ryzom: Favorite vs. hated

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 5:51 pm
by madnak
I like the creativity and community. I hate the lack of content.

Re: Extremes of Ryzom: Favorite vs. hated

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:35 pm
by akicks
Here's one that gonna make your head twist aroud it's socket:

I LOVE Foraging.

I HATE Foraging.

Work it out :)

Re: Extremes of Ryzom: Favorite vs. hated

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:20 am
by sprite
akicks wrote:Here's one that gonna make your head twist aroud it's socket:

I LOVE Foraging.

I HATE Foraging.

Work it out :)
You love doing it, but you have *having* to do it? *shrug*
You love doing it in a team, but hate doing it solo?
You lo... meh, sleep time :rolleyes: