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Re: Why stop the war?!
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:06 pm
by iphdrunk
Just thinking a bit over this, there is also the issue about being "all time In Character" or "being sometimes in character" or "not being into RP at all".. being a moderate kami or karavan follower or being an extremist, and all this is related to the playerbase being able to make the difference between IC/OOC and of course, accepting the consequences of your behavior. I've been wondering about the idea of being a Karavan extremist, but, in order to be coherent with my background, should I rez kami followers (and expect to be rezzed by them) if I see them dead, without being badly perceived by the community in spite of prolly ignoring a player that I've known since release? -- 'sorry I would heal you, but according to the lore, I consider you an enemy' -- should I trade and buy equipment from Kami followers-crafters? would I learn Zorai crafting (yeah, know your enemy)? let's guess I'm tired of digging and I want to hunt a bit.. oh bad luck, the team of nice players hutning in thesos happens to have a member wearing a 'Kami Champion' title... ew... next time maybe. Of course, I can "toggle" the RP on and off
You get the idea
but maybe I'm just b@w and of course, completely offtopic
Re: Why stop the war?!
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:55 pm
by glipe
iphdrunk wrote:Just thinking a bit over this, there is also the issue about being "all time In Character" or "being sometimes in character" or "not being into RP at all".. being a moderate kami or karavan follower or being an extremist, and all this is related to the playerbase being able to make the difference between IC/OOC and of course, accepting the consequences of your behavior. I've been wondering about the idea of being a Karavan extremist, but, in order to be coherent with my background, should I rez kami followers (and expect to be rezzed by them) if I see them dead, without being badly perceived by the community in spite of prolly ignoring a player that I've known since release? -- 'sorry I would heal you, but according to the lore, I consider you an enemy' -- should I trade and buy equipment from Kami followers-crafters? would I learn Zorai crafting (yeah, know your enemy)? let's guess I'm tired of digging and I want to hunt a bit.. oh bad luck, the team of nice players hutning in thesos happens to have a member wearing a 'Kami Champion' title... ew... next time maybe. Of course, I can "toggle" the RP on and off
You get the idea
but maybe I'm just b@w and of course, completely offtopic
I think it's entirely dependent on how deeply into your roleplaying you are. As Sanz is against the war, it's doubtful that he's going to have any rezzing issues, no matter who he meets. Allow me to give an example of how I would deal with having an IG/OOC friendship with someone who happened to get on a different side to that of one of my characters.
First off, I'd explain to him OOC my character's standing on the issue. Then I would play up (IC) my desolation at seeing my friend on the wrong side of the battle lines. Then, depending on how I was playing my character, I would either not fight against him if at all possible or (IC) wonder how I could be friends with someone so deluded, draw my sword and prepare to put him out of his, and my, misery.
In your example you asked should a Karavan follower rez a downed Kami follower. Well, it depends on the Karavan follower, now, doesn't it? If you're playing one who hates the Kami followers then no (and you can let the downed players know this in tells while hamming up the acting in Around). If he just follows the Karavan, maybe your act of kindness to these misguided souls will bring them round to your way of thinking? Maybe your belief in the inherent goodness of homins will sway you into rezzing them? Maybe you can't bear to see them die but don't want to risk yourself, rezzing them from a distance and then running away, tears streaming down your face as you realise the tragic nature of war and the way it made you hesitate.
Or if you're not really into your rping, rez them because it doesn't hurt your cause anyway. Or tell them to keep quiet about it. So many options!
Re: Why stop the war?!
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:59 pm
by trenker
iphdrunk wrote:I want to hunt a bit.. oh bad luck, the team of nice players hutning in thesos happens to have a member wearing a 'Kami Champion' title... ew... next time maybe. Of course, I can "toggle" the RP on and off.
Spot on, I won't let RP get in the way of FUN.
The PvP I've tried so far is fun imo, so more pls.
Re: Why stop the war?!
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:34 pm
by aelvana
rushin wrote:Agreed, we need PvP to fight a war and also it was pretty obvious from the back story that a war was going to happen sooner or later. I for one am looking forward to it.
I dont think the argument that the game will turn into a ganking fest is a valid one. The community is strong enough and mature enough to resist this (hopefully), and if we are invaded by ppl wanting to do nothing but grief others then hunting the gankers will give something for our high level players to do =)
Oh wow, what a cool point haha. If, after my talk of PvP areas not being bad at all in Ryzom, people were to start random ganking, I'd definitely go out of my way to give them hell 8) It'd be fun LOL!
Re: Why stop the war?!
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:42 pm
by michielb
aelvana wrote:Oh wow, what a cool point haha. If, after my talk of PvP areas not being bad at all in Ryzom, people were to start random ganking, I'd definitely go out of my way to give them hell 8) It'd be fun LOL!
And to see what that will turn into, try Lineage 2.......
Re: Why stop the war?!
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:22 pm
by vaquero1
aelvana wrote:Oh wow, what a cool point haha. If, after my talk of PvP areas not being bad at all in Ryzom, people were to start random ganking, I'd definitely go out of my way to give them hell 8) It'd be fun LOL!
Ael.........I neeeeeed to know who the girl is in your avitar. Talk about WAR I would wage war on anyone who comes.........anyway. I spend MANY sleepless nights dreaming of her.....My girlfriend has asked me y I keep repeating the word "Bouncy" in my sleep all night. I am going to be in allot of trouble.
Re: Why stop the war?!
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:55 am
by keoni
aelvana wrote:Oh wow, what a cool point haha. If, after my talk of PvP areas not being bad at all in Ryzom, people were to start random ganking, I'd definitely go out of my way to give them hell 8) It'd be fun LOL!
There already are people/guilds that randomly gank, although there are fortunately few for the time being.
My position on the PvP thing is: I like the concept of how they plan to implement it, it has the potential to strike the right balance. It seems to me outposts will reward the guilds that are strong diplomatically and economically, not just militarily. Diplomatically--able to rally friends and allies to repel invaders. Economically--able to afford formidable defenses. Strength on the battlefield will become more important also - but those who are known for carrying on campaigns of aggression might soon find themselves facing vast armies of homins who don't consider war their first option - yet know that sometimes you need to fight to achieve a semblance peace.
Re: Why stop the war?!
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 6:37 pm
by aelvana
michielb wrote:And to see what that will turn into, try Lineage 2.......
It was light comment. Not going to happen in a game that doesn't attract kiddies for so many reasons.
Re: Why stop the war?!
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 6:42 pm
by aelvana
vaquero1 wrote:Ael.........I neeeeeed to know who the girl is in your avitar. Talk about WAR I would wage war on anyone who comes.........anyway. I spend MANY sleepless nights dreaming of her.....My girlfriend has asked me y I keep repeating the word "Bouncy" in my sleep all night. I am going to be in allot of trouble.
LOL, I saw it linked with a bunch of other icons in my everquest guild forum. Strangely enough, it's from TLC. Look at the logo in the lower right corner...