Hm, Lawrence, daß du mir nicht antwortest; heißt das etwa, du weißt AUCH nicht, was die Aufgaben eines executive producers bei Nevrax sind? *kicher* Witzig!
In der Wikipedia fand ich dazu folgendes:
Executive producer is a role in the entertainment industry that is difficult to define clearly. Executive producers vary in involvement, responsibility, and power. Executive producers are
commonly the main investor or financier of a project. This particularly applies to the music industry.
Some executive producers have hands-on control of every aspect of production. In television, the latter type is also called the show runner, is frequently the
creator of the project, and often a writer. There's also a practice of naming celebrities executive producers of a project in order to
help gain approval.
Noch was drüber:
Executive Producer: A title often abused in the film industry. Ideally the executive producer
arranges for the film's (project) financing and tries to keep the project on budget. Increasingly the executive producer credit is given as a perk to a powerful actor's agent or spouse, or some other person who made the project possible.
Executive producer: oversees all local productions of a television network to
ensure the goals, objectives, policies, and aesthetic standards established by the network are met. The Executive Producer oversees producers, associate producers and all local program producing. The Executive Producer assigns producing staff members to various producing projects and monitors and
oversees their work. Provides work direction to producing staff. Coordinates developmental training for producing staff. Addresses staff problems and recommends disciplinary actions. Participates in producing staff performance reviews, approves leave requests and addressed disciplinary problems.
Reviews and approves all scripts for local programs.
Approves and reviews the work plans of the producing staff. Coordinates contractual agreements regarding local productions.
Reviews and monitors production budgets; recommends budget changes to the Director of Television.
Conducts long-range planning. Coordinates production activities. Recommends equipment purchases. Reviews
completed programs to assure compliance with network standards. Oversees and maintains production legal files. Researches,
writes scripts for, and produces productions as needed to ensure completion of programs by deadline.
Acts as liaison between Television and outside entities to ensure understanding of the television position. Challenged to
balance expectations from outside agencies against the production capabilities of the network. This is challenging because of varying degrees of clients and agencies production expertise. Also challenged to
make changes which will improve upon existing productions while making allowances for new productions.
Ich denke, statt "Television" kann man getrost 1:1 "MMORPG" oder gleich "Ryzom" einsetzen... Aber: welche "Art" executive producer mag Jessica wohl sein?
Ähm - und was die "enge Zusammenarbeit" betrifft: warten wir's erst mal ab, ob's nicht nur ein Werbespruch ist