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Re: I Am (Again) Looking For a Guild to Join

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 5:19 pm
by manya
Kibs, I actually know Tabatha, might ask her about joining when I see her. But the Guild list doesn't state your alignment. How would you declare yourself, Karavan, Kami, Neutral or don't really care?


Re: I Am (Again) Looking For a Guild to Join

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 7:33 pm
by alyssah
Arrya - I have tried hard not to join in the discussion about which guild you should join. The reason I have is to outline a few points that may have escaped your notice.
1) If you join any guild, it is a two way street. You were not around when the original founders had to scrimp & sacrifice to earn the 10 mill dappers to purchase guild property.
2) At some point (hopefully sooner rather than later) we are to have outpost wars initiated. Your guild will expect your loyalty and that you respond positively.
3) When this part of the game starts you will be expected to refrain from crafting items for non allied guilds as that will be working for the enemy. You may also be expected to fight against other guilds to defend your conquests or even to achieve them.
4) Guild hall improvements will be paid for by points accumulated carrying out guild missions.
Like it or lump it you will have to be prepared to muck in with whatever tasks you can perform for the betterement of your guild.
You have made it reasonably clear what you expect a guild to do for you. What I find missing is what you will do for your guild. I hope that is made clear to you before you commit and please note it should be a commitment.
Bottom line? May God bless whichever Guild is err!! honoured by your membership and all who sail in her.
MATIS Clan Omnis
Ps. The Matis branch was always the more neutral of the two but you will be glad there is no offer to refuse.

Re: I Am (Again) Looking For a Guild to Join

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:27 pm
by manya
I was in fact waiting for a post like this one Alyssah, was surprised it took this long to show up. Yes, I don't state what I can do for a guild I would join. This is because I

1. Don't NEED a guild. I did well enough so far, getting from zero to level 50 in all skills on my own and I expect to continue doing well in the future. There are enough people around for ad hoc teaming when one feels like it and when not, there are things to do in this game one can do well enough alone. I have decided in these 3 months of continuous play, how I want to play my character and if I am to join a guild, I want it to match my style as best as possible. Because otherwise I would be of no benefit for the guild and would only be getting frustrated with it myself. And the fact is, most of the active guilds would NOT match my style. This is why I'm asking for information in this way.

2. I don't need to state what I offer. I haven't asked for offers either, only for information about a guild I might fit in to. Whoever is interested in my skills, abilities and other attributes important to a guild leadership is free to ask. Either openly here, or in private. In-game talk or personal message here would do nicely.

Now to your specific points:

1) If you join any guild, it is a two way street. You were not around when the original founders had to scrimp & sacrifice to earn the 10 mill dappers to purchase guild property.

Yes, I was not around when this happened, and I owe nothing to anyone because of it. People created guilds for their own reasons, with their own means. It was their decision. And it is their guild, or of their successors, to do with it what they like. If any are looking to regain the founds spent, that is their own right and there might be people around who will want to join such a guild. Other leaders have other goals with their guilds. I am quite certain that I would be of no use to most of the them, since their goals don't correspond with the way I play. No big deal, there are a lot of players around, surely there are also enough who will want to help with exactly these goals. Good luck to them and have fun.

2) At some point (hopefully sooner rather than later) we are to have outpost wars initiated. Your guild will expect your loyalty and that you respond positively.

Yes, sooner or later the Outposts will be here. But whether or not there will be wars, in what scale and by what means, no one can tell. It is quite likely that even Nevrax has not yet made all final decisions about it. Therefore I would say it is far too early for swearing eternal loyalty and for making battle plans. But again, this is just me, others might feel the time is now. I don't say they are wrong, I just say *I* am not doing it yet. Might never do any of it, but one should never say never.

3) When this part of the game starts you will be expected to refrain from crafting items for non allied guilds as that will be working for the enemy. You may also be expected to fight against other guilds to defend your conquests or even to achieve them.

This is only one possible way of how the game will be played with the Outposts implemented. I for myself don't like the idea that all of the sudden certain people- players- should be considered an 'enemy' just because they belong to the wrong guild. The time will tell though.

4) Guild hall improvements will be paid for by points accumulated carrying out guild missions. Like it or lump it you will have to be prepared to muck in with whatever tasks you can perform for the betterement of your guild.

If I join a guild, it will be one whose goals I will support. And for the goals I support I might actually also consider doing what I can to help the guild achieve those goals. But seriously, I don't see why this particular issue worries you. All I state is, that I'm actively neutral, which means I make an effort to keep my Kami and Karavan fame close to zero. If it appears necessary to rise one temporally in order to achieve a certain goal, I would probably do that as well, depending on the goal in question of course.

May God bless whichever Guild is err!! honoured by your membership and all who sail in her.

And may God(s) bless you, the Guild you belong to and all its members.

Ps. The Matis branch was always the more neutral of the two but you will be glad there is no offer to refuse.

Thank you, that is very considerate of you. Hope you will find a lot of more suitable candidates.


Re: I Am (Again) Looking For a Guild to Join

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:25 pm
by morgan73
I would be more than happy to speak with you in game, but every time I have tried, you weren't around. I figure it's been an issue of clashing timeframes in which we are both around, and I won't throw in a "join me!" here because I have not spoken to you directly.

I do have Kami alignment (though not fervently ;) ), but as far as I can tell, that's the only negative aspect on what you've stated you are looking for.

I can say quite directly that I'm not concerned about whether or not I fill up my guild roster with people - active or not. I'm quite picky who I share my time and friendship with, would love to speak with you in game, and see how it goes from there. :)

Re: I Am (Again) Looking For a Guild to Join

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 1:41 pm
by kibsword
We like to consider ourselves neutral as we do have a mix of both followers in the guild, for example Synn is a Kami follower and I am now neutral where as someone else may follow the karavan. We are completely open on beliefs and try to get a balanced fame accross the board.

As we are based in matis, our guild is naturally got more karavan supporters than kami, but the guild itself considers itself neutral

If you are interested Im sure you can speak with tabs :)

Re: I Am (Again) Looking For a Guild to Join

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 1:59 pm
by alyssah
Thanks Arrya, that has reasonably plainly stated your case. You have made it clear that no matter how much the guild teaches you about mat sources, the best mats to combine for the best products and other membership benefits, you have shown that your loyalty is to you. That was the whole point of me questioning in the first place. Thank you for making it so clear.
I was wondering if you had thought of starting a guild for like minded players?
I genuinely wish you every success in game and with your attitude will probably become Emperor of Atys.

Re: I Am (Again) Looking For a Guild to Join

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 4:38 pm
by vutescu
LOL. You leveled alone from 0 to 50? I did the same. So what?
After a certain level you will HAVE to join a guild. Or at least team with same people. You can't just USE a team here for healing another one there for ele and yelling for rez in region chat. After a while peeps will learn about you and not team with you anymore.

There is a player in Fyros land who likes to be independent. He pays dearly for this every day. He is a darn good player if you ask me, and I respect his choice. I rez him each time I can. But in the game you just can't advance alone. Sooner or later you will have to join a faction. And those peeps better read your post. A loyality dedicated only to yourself is not going to help you much in game. As soon as your guild mates / team mates will realise this, you will end kicked out, avoided, isolated.

"So be it" you will say. LOL.
Better rearange your moral values.

Re: I Am (Again) Looking For a Guild to Join

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:59 pm
by manya
To Morgan
I live in Europe and during the week I am usually only on for a couple of hours in the evening. With a job and a 'Baying' Rottweiler to take care of, that is all I can afford I'm afraid. I am usually online more at weekends, hopefully we will have more luck then.

I appreciate that you want to know people before inviting them to join you. I wouldn't want it any other way. A bit of Kami alignment is not so tragic actually. Being Matis I started with a hefty -33 Kami fame, so a bit of positive fame won't hurt me. ;)

Hopefully we will be able to meet online soon, I would like to get to know you, even if we should decide at the end that we don't belong into a same Guild together.

To Kibs:
Indeed, I don't suppose I can expect to find a guild that has a perfectly neutral fame. But after all, the fame score is only one aspect of neutrality. The attitudes of the people in the Guild and the direction the leadership is taking are certainly more important.

I do speak with Tabatha occasionally, we also spoke about me possibly joining this Guild. It is too early to make final decisions, but if there are more people like her there, I could imagine I would like to be your member.

To Alyssah:
I'm glad I was able to give you a clear answer to your questions. I have of course thought about starting a guild myself. It is still far away though, considering that I would probably have to gather the needed resources all by myself. And it would probably never grow to be a really big Guild either, since that it would appeal to people who can't find a fit in any other guild.

Becoming an Emperor of Atys? That is an intriguing thought indeed. But it takes more than strong individuality to become an acknowledged ruler of a world, even an artificial one. Time will show.

To vutescu
I am touched that you are this concerned about my future. I'm not quite clear what you mean by 'using' a team though. In a given team everyone has his defined role. If you want to play a different role you usually *need* to find other people to team with, since you don't fit that role in this current team. I also don't see what guild membership and team play would have to do with asking for a rez in region.

The player in Fyros that you mention, I wonder if he/she is sharing your belief, or is maybe quite happy with his/her way of play. I do know there are benefits in joining a guild. That is why I *am* actually considering joining one. But I know myself well enough to know I don't fit with just everyone. So I am taking the effort to find out if there are people I can fit with.

Better rearange your moral values.

Hmm, you and me might be alike in the way that we are both convinced we alone are right and the other is wrong. The difference between us two is, that I have no ambition to correct your wrong opinion. This might be considered selfish, since I am letting you keep your wrongful opinion, but I believe if you like it, you should be allowed to keep it.

To all:
As Alyssah and Vutescu point out, this thread is providing quite a good insight into my personality. Everyone is welcome to read it, even participate in it, and decide his/her actions accordingly. If this will mean that I will remain Guild-less I won't mind. Better to remain alone than make people you join unhappy with you.

The exchange I am having with Alyssah and Vutescu is actually what I consider 'fun'. As long as it doesn't escalate into simple flaming of course. It is just too bad one shouldn't do this with people one would like to keep as friends. But if a concerned Guild leader would wish me to refrain from it when in his Guild, I suppose I could do that. Probably. ;)

Re: I Am (Again) Looking For a Guild to Join

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 11:48 pm
by alyssah
[QUOTE=manya]To Morgan

The exchange I am having with Alyssah and Vutescu is actually what I consider 'fun'.

Aahh!! We have something in common. Maybe I should start worrying now.


Re: I Am (Again) Looking For a Guild to Join

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:27 am
by totnkopf
alyssah wrote:
manya wrote:To Morgan

The exchange I am having with Alyssah and Vutescu is actually what I consider 'fun'.

Aahh!! We have something in common. Maybe I should start worrying now.


We really don't need a flame war on the forums. We've all had issues with people in the game, but thats no reason to spill them onto the forums. Such issues are personal, not public (although many have yet to learn this).