Reselection of skills? Will this happen?

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Re: Reselection of skills? Will this happen?

Post by korin77 »

I agree you should have a chance to change your skills in case you decide to specialize and picked the wrong set of items. It should be done like AO where you get only a limited amount of respec points during the life of the char and only get more as you level.

As for the taunt. I recomend keeping the skill. Although all you do now is solo, much of the fun in the game is grouping. A melee fighter without taunt is very useless. It has saved the lives of many a healer I've grouped with so far and even other tanks.

It seems to me also that no matter how useless a skill seems, eventually you'll find a use for it. This is because some skills contain components you can use to create other better spells/skills etc. For example, the gift line of spells. You can transfer stamina to someone by trading your hp. If you edit the spell, you can change it to take sap instead and it because a refresh stamina spell.

I agree some of the skill descriptions are vague, and some skills don't work like it should. A good example is the track resource line. It seems to only track basic quality mats. If you add other mat type to the skill it seems to never find the other stuff. This maybe a bug or maybe the lower level track can only work with basic mats. The problem is you can't tell in the description cause no mention of any restrictions are in there. Skills like this one should be fixed.
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