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Re: To all the naysayers, as well as fans of this genre, PLEASE READ THIS POST! Thanks!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 12:14 am
by knitcucumber
<-- still cries over Uru.

I just wanted to pipe in and say that unless anything drastic comes up to totally ruin things, I will be sticking with Ryzom as long as humanly possible.

I'm a little grumpy at times when things don't get fixed, don't get implemented, or just plain break again, or when I need help getting something fixed and don't get a reply that helps... but I really think this game has potential if people don't leave for something else.

Sure... it's a lvl grind. Make friends... it makes it a ton more fun. Heck, make enemies.

Coming home and playing Ryzom after a long day of college/work and getting to hang out with my friends in this beautiful, non-knight/orc/fairy/etc world puts a smile on my face. Even when it makes me grumpy.

Re: To all the naysayers, as well as fans of this genre, PLEASE READ THIS POST! Thanks!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 12:34 am
by geasa
I very much agree, Knit.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 2:42 am
by brackish
I agree that we as players really need to make this game our own by roleplaying and creating our own events, but as Raynes' sig says, this has been longer than 70 days without actual content changes. Thats over 2 months! Hard to make an effort when it seems that your alone.
I hope this dev kit they gave away for events will help a lot. Like he said above, this game has potential if people dont leave for something else.
potential: (n) something that can develop or become actual, possible but not yet in existence
These coming events have potential.

Re: To all the naysayers, as well as fans of this genre, PLEASE READ THIS POST! Thanks!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 7:57 am
by lyrah68
I do admit, I am looking for a game that I am NOT sure is even possible...given the current state of the art. Believe it or not, my hubby and I discussed the "perfect game" on the LONG drive to Rockwall,Tx from Arlington, Tx.

As he put it:
The perfect game would have complete interactivity...every NPC would have a definate purpose, that would change as time passed. The game mechanics would be TOTALLY transparent, no dinging, no grinding, you would go about enjoying the game and things would get easier as you went along, until you got bored with it, then you would move on to another task.

Crafting patterns would change over time. (My addition, he used a few Horizon's examples, so here is a Ryzomian equivilent: Danu's works would be different entirely than anyone else of his race, maybe at first the difference would be slight, but as his skills progressed...he would add a little here and take a little there, until eventually Danu would have HIS OWN specific pattern. He would have chosen ALL of his changes to his pattern over time.) And any "master" craftsman would be able to teach HIS pattern to other players (any cash exchange would be up to the players). It would be possible in the perfect game to make UP a pattern/weapon type/spell after reaching Mastercrafter statis, there would of course be a HUGE chance of failing, possibly DYING to this failure if it is a weapon type (the first guy that made a gun HAD to be bold).

The world would be HUGE and amazingingly/breath takingly beautiful, travel would be easy, mobs would be plentiful, but not TOO plentiful nor agro ranges such that travel would become a tedious chore. Crafting would be interesting and FUN. Grouping rewards would be more than enough to motivate you to group from creation to max levels. You would be able to level a group, gain abilities as a group with that group, save groups you have been in before, send messages to friends, guild mates, and group mates. Emote animations would make the game seem ALMOST like life and not cause ANY lag. You would be able to make chat channels and have a racial, world, region and local chat as well as guild, tells and group chats. ANY player could make a chat channel and control who could join the channel or leave it open to all.

Events would be interesting, some would change the game intensely, and NONE would cause the least little bit of lag, even with 250 other players slashing, nuking or just standing around. Players could create a server event, with GM/dev approval of course if it changed the world in any way. Role playing would be enjoyable and the world would encourage such activities. Players would contribute to the storyline IN game via books, newspapers, libraries, spell books, history books, and a local town crier.

The game would be in stores, available as a download, be affordable, be WELL advertised, loading times would be unnoticable (in micro seconds ish), servers would be numberous and world wide.

Yes we both know that this game is NOT possible with current network/internet technology (Although fiber to premise speeds are high, they aren't THAT high), machines aren't THAT fast...yet, and coding languages DO have limits. BUT we were enjoying the scenery and talking dreams...

In short, give me a REASON to WANT to log on everyday, and a reason to HATE logging off. Make me feel as if I make a difference, even at "level one". DO NOT NERF...(tattoo that on your forearm for future referrence EVERYTIME you have to ballance ANYTHING!). Treat the player as your best friend, communicate openly, honestly and respectfully...after all the player is the person that is putting food in your mouth and a roof over your head, as well as adding the spirit that makes your baby more than just a disc.

Make crafting challenging enough to not be boring, but not so tedious as to make it torturous (ANY tailoring in EQ! How many bears, rockhoppers etc died for your crafting? bezillions here). REWARD role playing, add role playing elements, have at LEAST ONE gm that is acting trained (if you can find Ron Howard...ok...just kidding, but actor/director wouldn't hurt) for NOTHING but finding and encouraging role playing.

Change the world. Make the spells make sense, talk to either a Witch or magi (yes there are real magick users in the world, even if their spells don't sparkle or go BOOM!) and ask them how the real thing works. Talk to physicists about how the REAL world works and embelish it.

Go back and play EVERY game you ever played and find what you DID like about it (the chat system in Horizons, the raid system in EQ, the crafting system in Ryzom/Horizons, the spell system in ANY game but Ryzom) and then figure out how YOU can do that same thing in YOUR game.

Do NOT do a linked spell system...that is frankly the MAIN reason my offensive magic and ALL other magic than healing is langishing in the low 20's. Frankly I don't understand any more why magic is as goofy than I do understand why traveling is a royal pain in the RUMP!

Do NOT make the max booby setting bigger than the largest implants in real life! And do allow a level of customization that will please the largest amount of players. (Remember wood elf female druid with the pouty lips and her 40 million clones in EQ...yep I was one of them). Make your face options something that SOMEONE will want to be (remember that ONE face in Kunark EQ that NO ONE would ever want to be??!! yep me too) since having even ONE option that no one ever picks is a waste of your devs time, and there by of YOUR money!

Lag is the ENEMY...if you do NOT conquer it do NOT go out of beta...period, Earth and Beyond...pegasus server...nuf said! Horizons is STILL fighting with combat lag (it kills me EVERYTIME I agro a mob that is remotely rewarding to kill, not due to my lack of skill, I never get a chance to hit the mob, I die before I get one arrow off, one spell cast or swing a sword).

Be willing to ban like an evil warlord if and when you have good grounds to do so. Have CLEAR and concise set of rules and have them in a location that ALL players know about. PLEASE avoid Sony's tendancy to aim at the Ubber guild and End game tm, they also tend to think of the player as "public enemy number one!" avoid this pit fall too. Hire GM's that speak several languages (Spanish, French, German, English and a few oriental languages seem to be most popular), but most especially understand English and speak it clearly. Hire gm's with a BACKBONE, and train them to NOT waffle like IHOP. They should know the game almost as well as your developers, if a player mentions a mob, the gm should INTANTLY SEE the mob and its location in their minds eye.

And to the player that says most Americans can't use their immaginations. Well in school daydreaming was discouraged, even PUNISHED. Creativity and other imagination activities have rather NASTY names, and their professions only pay well to a select few, music, actors, inventors etc most of them die poor and starve, even if they DO HAVE to do their job or go crazy.

People that develope their minds eye into crystal clarity are sometime hunted down, persecuted or at the least called crazy, lazy or stupid. But that doesn't stop some of us from imagining the best and willing it into being.

Maybe when the teachers have students explain what their day dreams were, and give them a writing grade for it...MAYBE then imagination would bloom.

Re: To all the naysayers, as well as fans of this genre, PLEASE READ THIS POST! Thanks!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 8:02 am
by lyrah68
Make animations for ALL of the important emotes. Slap, clap, vamp (whatever you call that thing that unarmed females do on the character select screen), surprise, alarm, rage, anger, threaten, yawn, burp, vomit, punch, kick high, kick low, kick under the belt(yep a ladies only Street fighting emote) sit, stand, lay down, fall down, stand up, trip, flip forward, flip backwards, sneak comical(think cartoon dramatic TIP TIP TIP TIP TOOOOOE ta da da da DA), sneak seriously (think comando on the stomach crawl by da bad guy on ya belly). Heck I could think of dozens at least!
vinnyq wrote:They need to add one thing to make it really easy to get into player immersion.

- Interaction (e.g. lay down, sit on chair, move stuff around).

(and I really could use it for stage acting :D )

Re: To all the naysayers, as well as fans of this genre, PLEASE READ THIS POST! Thanks!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 10:36 am
by knitcucumber
lyrah68 wrote:Make animations for ALL of the important emotes.
I'm still waiting for /hug

Re: To all the naysayers, as well as fans of this genre, PLEASE READ THIS POST! Thanks!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 3:10 pm
by splatula
Excellent post Gadreel, welcome to the game.

What ceratin people here fail to realize, is that they are acting like children. You know, standing by the stove while you are cooking supper, whining over and over, "I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry."
Well, NO SH**! Supper is on the stove.

WoW and EQ2 had half their content and most of their worlds imagined years ago, and have the benefits of huge previous commercial successes. Nevrax has whipped this stuff up from mostly stratch with a relatively small budget and made a game that kicks the pants off of WoW at least (haven't tried EQ). WoW is a grind too, a grind with cutscenes.

The devs have already assigned a new person to help Cerest manage this unruly mob. Did they answer EVERY question? No, but they are finally answering questions. They are finally addressing things that have been lacking, and they are finally working with us to a degree that we can see some results. YES YES THEY HAVE NOT FIXED RANGED YET. They cannot ignore things forever people, you get much further in life working with people, than belittling, degrading and whining at them. Seriously, some of the things that people have said in these forums would make me as a developer say, "Screw the NA server, ingrates." Yep, I would shut it down and move everyone's chars who still wanted to play to the UK servers.

That said, I think there are certain people here, who generally are having a bad time with Ryzom. It is likely related to their ability to relate with others. When you spend two hours a day *****ing and whining on forums, it must be hard to have fun or find people to enjoy your time with in-game. Focusing on negativity proliferates negativity. HUGS to you peeps... I feel sorry that your depression/anger affects your day so profoundly.

Guild Leader
Joes Hotdog n Bagpipe Emporium


Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 9:22 am
by gadreel

Re: To all the naysayers, as well as fans of this genre, PLEASE READ THIS POST! Thank

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 1:03 pm
by grimjim
Gadreel makes some very good points, companies are in these things to make money by and large, not to tread new ground and take risks.

Nevrax is smaller and in Xavier's latest Q&A he points out that as a smaller company they CAN afford to be a little more innovative and take a few more risks.

The only real indications of that thus far however are the strange and rich world of Atys, its background and the open skills system, which still isn't really that far from normal levelling systems and is more akin to a very open 'multi classing' system from D&D.

I think producing such a responsive, player involving and story rich game WOULD succeed, just not as an explosive overnight success. There are people who want a rich role-playing environment and the ability to have a true impact on the game world around them and, if they ever find a game that really allows that they will be ferociously LOYAL to it.

Such a game will have the advantage of longevity and an active, involved community.

Ryzom appears to be appealing to some of those very type of players, at least over on the euro-servers as it gives some of these advantages, if not all.

Re: To all the naysayers, as well as fans of this genre, PLEASE READ THIS POST! Thank

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 4:06 pm
by rmillard
I'm in this game as much for the community (awesome guild) as anything else. Been around since open beta and I continue to love this game, but daily departures of good friends is beginning to take it's toll.

So rather than allowing the guild to fall apart, we've begun a concerted effort to find a new home. To that end at least six of us within our relatively large guild have downloaded and started evaluating the EQ2 free trial. We're planning to re-constitute our guild there if the group agrees.

Chatter on the guild website indicates that many of us will keep our toons alive in Atys for a while longer, but unless and until patch 3 blows our socks off I'm guessing the larger part of another guild will have disappeared from the world of Ryzom.

Last one out please hit the lights.

. . .