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Re: Crafting XP: Another Equation for Nerds
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:46 am
by jgi47ak
Thought provoking.
"XP = (Q2 / Q1) x (100 + 4(Q1 - L)) x M"
"150,000 mats"
"an organized guild"
Is anyone thinking what I'm thinking?
The Silver Watch
Re: Crafting XP: Another Equation for Nerds
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 1:35 am
by magick1
madnak wrote:Not true. Secondary branches can use many fewer mats if you craft them with a high plan. However, the first crafting branch will always use the same amount of mats, whether it's heavy vest or earring.
Read what I wrote again, and you will se that we are talking about two related issue, not the same.
I was only talking about leveling progress in the usual way, not "over level crafting", as in max difference is 10 levels.
It is obvious that level secondary branches with the help of a higher primary branch requires less mats (if using a level difference over 10), even more so when you take the formula into account.
Re: Crafting XP: Another Equation for Nerds
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 2:16 am
by madnak
magick1 wrote:Read what I wrote again, and you will se that we are talking about two related issue, not the same.
I was only talking about leveling progress in the usual way, not "over level crafting", as in max difference is 10 levels.
It is obvious that level secondary branches with the help of a higher primary branch requires less mats (if using a level difference over 10), even more so when you take the formula into account.
I see, sorry about the misunderstanding.
And Iv, I'd have to put you in a pit with Shyk, Mai, and Berr and we'd see who comes out on top, hehe.
Re: Crafting XP: Another Equation for Nerds
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 4:17 pm
by zerotacg
max XP seems to for 50lvl difference from Q1 and L
tried it with light armors on Q250 and lvl 180-185 always got 3k with boots and 4.2k with pants wich I would get on lvl 200
So it seems the max XP is reached with a difference between lvl and Quality of 50+
so maybe you should not craft more then 50 lvl's of quality above your skill
Re: Crafting XP: Another Equation for Nerds
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 4:43 pm
by sprite
madnak wrote:Short answer: It takes a long time.
A long time that can be drastically shortened through use of the now (apparently) plentiful XP catalysers
Re: Crafting XP: Another Equation for Nerds
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 4:57 pm
by hans1976
sprite wrote:A long time that can be drastically shortened through use of the now (apparently) plentiful XP catalysers
Shortened by about 48% provided your guild has the ql250 crystals.
Re: Crafting XP: Another Equation for Nerds
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 5:33 pm
by amitst
Lyrah, a good guess is about 130000 materials to get one crafting skill tree to level 200. I don't know beyond that. Since thats 6 mats per jewel for the basic plan it would be crafting about 21000 pieces of jewelry. I think the 150000 mats estimate to level 250 is a bit low based on what I have seen to get to 200.
Starsus you assumed that the crafter was level 200, so your equation is wrong. A poor assumptiong would be L >= 190, but it could always be a secondary tree.
If you craft higher than 50 levels above a skill tree you could have a chance of higher quality degrades... but it still doesn't seem more efficient in practice.
Kudos for the formula.
Re: Crafting XP: Another Equation for Nerds
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 1:42 pm
by cygnus
I didnt notice a max xp per craft being mentioned but it is 300xp per mat, so if a plan uses 10 mats max xp for that plan = 3k (without boosters). I think it was about a 40 lvl difference to get max xp.
Re: Crafting XP: Another Equation for Nerds
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 3:04 pm
by sidusar
reynjl0 wrote:2) When Q2 - L > 50 , you do not get any extra experience. In other words , overcrafting by more than 50 levels caps out the experience at 300 xp per mat.
It's been in the original post since april 29th; overcrafting by more than 50 levels caps the experience at 300 per mat. Why are people suddenly repeating this as if it weren't there, am I missing something?
Re: Crafting XP: Another Equation for Nerds
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 3:15 pm
by marct
sidusar wrote:am I missing something?
Yes, Everyone is not a nerd. Although Ryzom does have an out of proportion amount of RL nerds, everyone still is not.