Allo Again Everyone!
(Please keep in mind that I just woke up, so some of this may be sketchy, hehe)
"Homin Story Time!"
*Player written stories, poems, enactments (players playing out the stories).
Now, there shouldn't be a lot of limitation on this, simply keep the stories/enactments around the PG13 rating
Now, RPG is strongly suggested for this, because I would like to see it Atys-based.
One could be that someone has thought about how beautiful a partiular land of Atys is.
This would be a perfect opportunity to share creativity and maybe a poem to share this Homin's feelings.
Enactments/Stories. A Homin has created a story based on other Homins or Atys and wishes to share this story.
The Homin may use items from the game (packers/mounts for example) to enact this story, or simply tell the story.
Classic Story Enactments for players/groups/guilds of players.
This is very self explanitory, I believe
And I truly believe it would be a lot of fun for everyone who attends/performs.
I believe this would be accomplished best with a team or partner for enactments.
(One player can onlly play so many parts)
Say a Homin has truely found the "Monsoon Sunset" short story truly inspiring.
They get a couple other Homins together, plan the story out and perform it.
RPGing Player Announcements.
A young Homin has decided that he would like to propose to another Homin he feels very strongly about.
He has decided this would be the perfect opportunity to announce this and make it public.
A very simple, yet romantic and a wonderful way to display a role-playing moment.
Main City Rotations/Safe Wilderness Spots.
I want to make sure that everyone who wants to take part in some events are able to do so at one time or another, so they're not left out of the fun/prizes.
Now, I personally like the idea of rotating the events (if they are held more than once) in the main cities of the races.
Or in safe spots in the wilderness that are easily accessible by most levels.
I particularaly liked the spot that the RPG meeting was held (even tho I'm not sure I could get back to this spot on my own, lol..I get lost *blushes*).
Now, like everything else I've posted here, this is just a suggestion.
Community or Judges Panel/Player Voting Method.
Now this is a way to chose the winners (if we make this a competition-based event).
Community Voting:
All players in attendance (excluding those being voted on) will be allowed to vote for their favorate Homins which have performed.
I believe this is the most fair action, while it may be a little confusing.
I've thought of a few ways to hopefully cut some of that confusion out.
1.) A player may only vote *once*.
2.) When the time comes to vote, the performer(s) will be shouted out by order of their performance. Once this is done, those players which have chosen this Homin(s) performance as their favorite will then perform some type of emote. I believe /cheer would be fitting for this.
The names and votes of voters will be recorded, to ensure nobody votes more than once. (If this occurs, the voter will be excluded from all votes.)
3.) Votes will be tallied and the winner(s) announced.
Judges Panel:
This, seems like the easiest, fastest way for the voting proccess (depending on the number of players in attendance at the event).
Judges should be either chosen or nominated, the event leaders, or GMs with chosen company/other GMs.
Feels kinda like Atys Idols at this point, LOL...sorry, bad joke
1.) Judges will watch all of the performances and record their favorite(s).
2.) I suggest and odd number of judges to make the voting process easier.
For instance, if there's 4 - there's an even number which could result in a tie. If there's 5 you cannot have a tie. One vote will make all the difference
3.) The Judges should be teamed for discussion during and after all of the performances.
4.) The judges will have 10 minutes (to also make time for the performers and audience to take a break) to decide on their votes.
5.) All judges will announce their votes in /shout - once the votes have been made they cannot be changed.
Prizes! Prizes! Prizes!
Noooooooooooow. This part will get a little complicated because I want to make sure I cover everything since it seems like this will better benefit those who wish to perform in groups as far as understanding is concerned.
I *still* believe that the best prize is cash. Of course, this is *my* personal opinion and everyone may not agree with me.
This is more than fine, like I said before everything I post here is merely a suggestion
Now, it would also be much easier to distribute cash awards to a performance that contained more than one performer rather than a single item.
I believe, what should be done in this case is - the Homin that origionally designated the performance or story should be the one to receive and distribute the prize evenly.
If it's cash, they can divide it among the other winners that performed with him/her.
These are my suggestions for prizes (in no particular order):
1.) Cash prizes - varies - I suggest 1/2 million dappers.
2.) Something dev. based (which I understand can be more difficult) such as titles, etc.
3.) Ryzom merchandise (may as well be more difficult) such as hats, mousepads, etc.
4.) Story Time winners page/forum, etc.
This shouldn't be too difficult IMO - I'd even offer to create it's own page on my server (may take a bit of time, I'm a perfectionist when it comes to sites), and a simple forum for it. This can be included along with other prizes to encourage more participation on future events.
Ooooooooooook... That's my 4 dappers worth