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Re: Most Hated Mob and Why

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:22 am
by rrwfreak
Of all the mobs I've fought solo and in groups from Fyros to Tryker to Matis to Zorai, I'd have to agree with marct about the Javings. That disarm attack they have is so dang annoying. Always seems to happen too when you are about to kill it and all of a sudden a few more javings or Matis gingos decide to joing in.

Re: Most Hated Mob and Why

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:35 am
by basicart
Vorax there low lvl but hard as hell and ya can never guess there agro range it seems random hehe :D

Re: Most Hated Mob and Why

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 6:35 pm
by gecker
basicart wrote:Vorax there low lvl but hard as hell and ya can never guess there agro range it seems random hehe :D
Yep I would totally agree, Vorax are a real pain when you're foraging.

But my arch nemesis has to be Gerder, a named Kincher that patrols the foraging area in Lagoons of Loria.

Re: Most Hated Mob and Why

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 6:39 pm
by richaden
marct wrote:Mine is definitely the Javing. Man, do I HATE them. Why you gotta take my weapon?
agreed! In particular Lerang... damn is he the most annoying boss i've ever encountered. Its no fun being disarmed before you've even re-equipped your weapon o_O

Re: Most Hated Mob and Why

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 12:48 pm
by ligia
Anything big enough to fill your monitor so you cant see anything around...

Anything that kills me while i am foraging (some destroyer mobs come to mind)

Javs...oh yes they sure are annoying...

Dam could be worse...they could steal you after killing (...), one is not a problem...the problem is the range ones grrrr

Gibbais, is it just me or they can scare you like hell ...

Bolonis...have you ever tried to melee one about your lvl ... hahaha

Re: Most Hated Mob and Why

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:25 pm
by squack
Thats an easy one:

Mr Yetin in Upper Bog (Matis).

I dont rly like, when someone comes from behind and hits me for 1450 Dmg while i'm digging...


Re: Most Hated Mob and Why

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:56 pm
by dakhound
2 mobs actually hold a place in my heart


like the lovable gingo who tend to gang up on you and appear from thin air when you least need/want it except they hit you for silly damage and run faster.

PR varinx

like which absolute evil person decided to make them dark blue. against the black background they blend in so well, plus they have insane amounts of HP and hit for sililar amounts of insane damage