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Re: So you wanna be a harvester, or found you need to be

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 12:00 am
by lyrah68
Ok, I reached level 51 forager *pauses wipes sweat off forehead* Whew! I knew I could do that.

I have to say the BEST skill in Harvester since basic prospecting HAS to be...
With Knowledge. I am planning on getting two nodes now, I can SEE the usefulness of that skill and with knoweldge in one action. TWO nodes, one I need...the other...well let the younger forager near me have that one. (You get prospecting XP when another player UNgrouped from you takes a foraged node you reject before it despawns, I got about a K xp one night working on a suit of armor with a newbie that hadn't gotten prospecting yet, LOL and he got CHOICE mats...of Q10 of course...but that was all he could craft yet anyway).

There seems to be a new element of players in game that like to think that they can HIDE node spawn info. Let them try to hide it, if I am in your region and you need the info, ask...I will share FOR FREE any node info I have mapped...which is most of the Fyros newblands, and once I move into Fyros mainland, my FIRST action out of town will be to map all the land I can sanely map ASAP (first action IN town is to get a blinking Pack animal LOL).

For those that are sour tempered, nasty attituded, or elitist, your prices on Choice mat crafted items will be three times the market value. Those of you that help me, play nice, and treat others with respect, your rates will be slightly LESS than market value. Consider it Karma Ferra style.

I am glad to help any player I can.

Freely helping her fellow players since mid Open Beta (then as Lorris the Tryker, Now as Ferra the Fyros)
51 forager/35 armor/38 weapons crafter/22 mage/35 fighter

Re: So you wanna be a harvester, or found you need to be

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 12:42 am
by lyrah68
Well guys, I FINALLY did it. I left newb island, I was level 55 forager, 30's in two crafting skills, 23 off mage and 36 fighter. SO my time as a big fish in the newb pond is over. My next forage or crafting guide will be in either harvest or craft.

I had a blast in Fyros newblands.

Re: So you wanna be a harvester, or found you need to be

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 2:20 pm
by blogie
lyrah68 wrote:Well guys, I FINALLY did it. I left newb island, I was level 55 forager, 30's in two crafting skills, 23 off mage and 36 fighter. SO my time as a big fish in the newb pond is over. My next forage or crafting guide will be in either harvest or craft.

I had a blast in Fyros newblands.

This tread is to inportant to forget

sooooooooo *bump*

Re: So you wanna be a harvester, or found you need to be

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 9:42 pm
by vinnyq
This tread is to inportant to forget

sooooooooo *re-bump*!

Re: So you wanna be a harvester, or found you need to be

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 12:14 am
by rose21
I'm not quite getting how to see the stuff on the ground. I've messed with my graphics configuration, but I don't know what I'm looking for, and so i don't see it. I'm in a node now, extracting stuff, and I'm looking and looking, but I don't see the difference between my ground and any of the other ground. Does someone have a screenshot of what to look for? I'm in Zorai.

Re: So you wanna be a harvester, or found you need to be

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 7:48 am
by vinnyq
rose21 wrote:I'm not quite getting how to see the stuff on the ground. I've messed with my graphics configuration, but I don't know what I'm looking for, and so i don't see it. I'm in a node now, extracting stuff, and I'm looking and looking, but I don't see the difference between my ground and any of the other ground. Does someone have a screenshot of what to look for? I'm in Zorai.
Sorry rose, what do you mean the ground? What are you trying to see?

Re: So you wanna be a harvester, or found you need to be

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 4:49 am
by rose21
vinnyq wrote:Sorry rose, what do you mean the ground? What are you trying to see?
There's a part in the original post that says you set your graphics ground coverage slider to 10 or something, and then you can see tiny little seashells ... But I think that after reading some more, that was a bug they took out because it doesn't seem to make sense that you could see the nodes.

I got the 50m extraction thing now (which I believe is the legitimate way to hunt for nodes), and I was really confused about it, and then I realized the message it sent me meant I was on top of a node. WTG, me.

I assume that is the only way to hunt for nodes (and you can get larger area upgrades). But what happens if there is more than one node in the 50m area? It just gives you the closest one? And can I set it so it only hunts for "fine" or "choice," once I get the options to extract those?


Re: So you wanna be a harvester, or found you need to be

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 5:11 am
by vinnyq
Oh man, I am really bad at explaining harvesting, mainly because I don't really know what I am doing either :D

I just know to hit this prospect button, some green bubbles come up, and I whack it with my sword, I mean pick, until the time run out and I get the materials from it.

I don't know what seashells that lyrah is talking about there. I think it was a bug, where some players with graphic card can sorta tell from the ground graphic where some mats are. I haven't seen it in a while, so I reckon it has been fixed.

This is basically how harvesting work. You prospect in a location that is known to have mats. If you're close enough and strong enough, green bubbles will pop right out of the ground. Then you use extraction skill on the green bubbles to get the mats.

Know that you'll get more xp if you dig a node you prospected, as oppose to digging those that pops up by themselves or pros'ed by some other players (you will give some xp to the other player if you dig nodes he pros'ed). Also note how your focus regen back to the point where you started diggine the node, as long as you finish diggin it and get xp from it.
I got the 50m extraction thing now (which I believe is the legitimate way to hunt for nodes), and I was really confused about it, and then I realized the message it sent me meant I was on top of a node. WTG, me.
What you're describing there with the 50m is tracking, not prospecting. The message will lead you to a location where it thinks there's mats (you will get to be more specific at higher level to the type of mats and quality of mats you want to track). Just know that the tracking system is not an exact science, and it sometimes take you to places that is either totally empty of mats, or you'll have to move a bit futher off or come at it from a different angle in order to pop the nodes there. Most comon practice is to pros 360 all around whre the tracking message say to stop, but again, it is sometimes wrong.

Also, try to get a full set of focus jewels if you can, they help a lot. and also a set of light armor focus suit. Not sure if you can get those on the refugee island, but you can defn get those on the mainland. Us professionals (smirk) usually have a full wardrope just for diggin, and another for hunting and partying.

For recommended skills to get, you can't go wrong with DT's advices found here:

Also, skim through these threads for general tips and tricks on harvesting: ... ysprune=-1

Harvesting is sorta complicated and slow when you first started, but it gets really interesting later on. If you like to harvest, you won't dissapoint (except you'll probably end up like my guild leader who pulled her hair out on a daily basis waiting for sup mats in the prime root :) )