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Re: The time has come, Will you help us protect the Kami and their supporters?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:27 pm
by raynes
zumwalt wrote:Once again, the Kult of Kami try to lay behind the Lies of the Sacred Sap and avoid the Truth that is documented about them.

The rest of the region of Majestic Gardens explored and made relatively safe.
Region of Fleeting Garden explored, Lenardi Bravichi begins work to cultivate roots to form a natural barrier with Majestic Garden border against possible kitin attacks.

Kami intervention in Fleeting Garden to prevent Matis manipulation of nature, great barrier works abandoned.
Sacred Sap, pro-Kami tribe, present in Fleeting garden.

Kult of Kami continue to try to twist the thruth to show there means to a wicked end, through the words of there leader.

I will speak for all of Fyros and Zoria that are common enemies of the Kitin with the words I speak, you have proven your aliegence to the Kitin through your defence of the Sacred Sap, whom have proven there worth by stoping the building of defenses against the common enemy to all nations, the Kitin.

There is no twisting of the truth you can do, to surpress your true desires, for you have proven who you align yourself with by whom you defend.

Your guild defends the growth of the Kitin, through the supression of allowing other nations to build defenses agains them, there is nothing you can do or say to prove otherwise, other than denounce your support for the Sacred Sap, and use your guild to assist in the removal of there presance from the lands.

In this, will you show that you have denounced your aliegence to both the Sacred Sap and there Cause, which is to promote the growth of the Kitin on the lands!

No! Our stands by those who stop the abuse and rape of Atys. This is what the Kami and the Sacred Sap have done. They have stopped the perversion of nature through the Matis idea of genetic manipulation. You can try and paint us as friends of the Kitin, but the reality is you and the Karavan are the enemies of Atys.

Re: The time has come, Will you help us protect the Kami and their supporters?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:43 pm
by turkka
We est non discussing if Pegasus Foundation or Gladius Jenae have legitime case. Zumwalt has stated the opinion ab Karavan, Matis, <cough> Fyros and Zoraï already.

We will remember what tu said but non wear our ears repeating yourself.

Re: The time has come, Will you help us protect the Kami and their supporters?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:50 pm
by raynes

Re: The time has come, Will you help us protect the Kami and their supporters?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:52 pm
by zumwalt
Raynes, did you understand anything he just said?
Hard to roleplay it if it is mumbled like a drunk in a bar...
Can I please get an english translation of it?

Re: The time has come, Will you help us protect the Kami and their supporters?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:58 pm
by raynes
zumwalt wrote:/ooc
Raynes, did you understand anything he just said?
Hard to roleplay it if it is mumbled like a drunk in a bar...
Can I please get an english translation of it?
I think he said his guild is discussing the position of PR and Jenea. Then I beleive he said that you have stated the opinion of the 4 races. Then I got lost.

Either he is saying you have stated your opinion and they will remember it, or that I have stated mine and they will remember it. That we don't need to repeat.

I wasn't sure, that's why I did the ...... post.

Re: The time has come, Will you help us protect the Kami and their supporters?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 7:06 pm
by sidusar
turkka wrote:We est non discussing if Pegasus Foundation or Gladius Jenae have legitime case. Zumwalt has stated the opinion ab Karavan, Matis, <cough> Fyros and Zoraï already.

We will remember what tu said but non wear our ears repeating yourself.
I think what he means to say is:

"We are not discussing if Pegasus Foundation or Gladius Jenae have legitimate cause. Zumwalt has already stated the opinion of the Karavan, the Matis, and the <cough> Fyros and Zorai.

We will remember what you said but don't wear down our ears by repeating yourself."

Which still doesn't make much sense to me, but at least this way it doesn't make sense in English.

Re: The time has come, Will you help us protect the Kami and their supporters?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 7:33 pm
by zenoelea
As a brother of Matis I agree whole Heartedly with Zumwalt what we do in our lands, is our concern. Need I remind you that our last war with Fryos was the direct result of their meddling in our lands! If we see fit to build a wall of modified wood, we do so only to protect ourselves. If someone stands in the way of our self defence then let it be known that he will pay the price. And the Sacred sap and Kami have clear shown that they would love to see us wiped from the land, and seek our destruction by meddling in our defences. The Sacred Sap are cowards who would let the Kitin do their work for them.
I for one will not stand idle and let others decide what the best course for us is.
I have all ready been slaughter by pagan tribals who layed my bloodied body at the feet of their Kami spirit before smashing my head in. All for my token aid to the Karavan. I have learned the error of my ways and will never forgive you Kami worshippers.

Re: The time has come, Will you help us protect the Kami and their supporters?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 7:56 pm
by raynes
zenoelea wrote: If we see fit to build a wall of modified wood, we do so only to protect ourselves.
But don't you see that your building of that wall with genetically modified wood might protect yourselves, but it hurts Atys. Suppose that modified wood somehow mananged to become part of the great tree we all live on. Suppose it changes the tree, what then? All other parts of the planet will be affected. That change in the wood could kill of species. It might stunt growth. It might make the wood unusable for crafting certain things.

The Kami and Sacred Sap stepping in to stop you from building that wall has nothing to do with who you are. It has nothing to do with the fact that you are Matis. It really has nothing to do with building a wall to protect yourselves. It has everything to do with how you were going about it.

Re: The time has come, Will you help us protect the Kami and their supporters?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 8:16 pm
by zumwalt
Thanks for translating that odd post, atleast now I am confused in english.

What we do to protect ourselves, by creating the living wall, would have not killed the wood that we used, instead it allowed it to continue to live and flurish.

What you should be trying to resolve, instead of bickering with us about dealing with the Badits that call themself the Sacred Sap, is how to remove the Goo from Zoria lands.

Which follows your docterine of Kami to eradicate the Goo, this is where you should be concentrating your powers.

Who is to say that the genetic alterations we were performing to protect ourself from the Kitin invasion, would not have also protected that wood from possible infection from the Goo, and you inevitably are helping the Goo to spread by stoping us from altering the Wood to begin with?

We have our orders against the Sacred Sap, they have been labeled Bandits, an as bandits, that means there nothing more than Rogue Thieves seeking safe haven in our lands to plunder and rob us of valuable materials and resources.

I know I will not let this happen, and the Sacred Sap will be dealt another hard blow if they continue to be Bandits in our lands!

Re: The time has come, Will you help us protect the Kami and their supporters?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 8:29 pm
by reynjl0
Considering our recent emergence, many are wondering what it is that Gladius Jenae represents. Many might have the misconception that we are beating the war drums and calling for the eradication of every Kami worshipper on Atys. That is simply not the case, however if you only hear some of my more vitriolic colleagues that is what you may surmise. We intend to foster the return of the true Matisian law and the devout worship of Jena in our lands first and foremost. Years of apathy has softened and corrupted the faith of the Matisian folk under the guise of tolerance. Let it be known that the Gladius Jenae represents a new home for the bold and noble Matisian warriors whose patience for Kami presence in our lands has grown thin. Unlike other guilds who waver in the face of duty and whose fearful position they call neutrality we have drawn our line in the sand.

Choose this day whom you must serve my friends, a principled alliance that will restore the Matis as the chosen children of Jena or serve a group of low moral fibre content that only seek to empower themselves for the sake of power alone to the glory of neither the Karavan, Matis, or Jena. The Matisian folk have rested too long in ambivalent hesitation, unsure of where their future and destiny lay. Choose carefully whom you serve, for when the righteous path of destiny does unfold, you will wish to be remembered as one who aided in the trumphant restoration and not as one afraid of their very fate. Then winds of change are blowing fiercely now and the sword of Jena, Gladius Jenae, is burning brightly. For those bold Matis or Karavan followers of other races who wish to embrace that change and realize the righteous destiny that is theirs if they could only see it, the Gladius Jenae may very well be your new home.

Our dear king Yrkanis, though we swear utmost fealty, is tolerant where tolerance is inadvisable. Recall that the young prince was saved at the hands of a Zora Kami and aided by the Kami to overthrow King Jinovitch, whose absolute stance on the law of the Karavan no one can question. Yrkanis, may he see the light, has been subtly influenced by Kamist leanings and calls it tolerance. Gladius Jenae in no way represents genocide or the destruction of all Kami worshippers on every continent. Our goal is to restore Verdant Heights and the lands of Matis to what it should rightfully be, purging our lands and our lands only of Kamist influence.

We hold true to the pact of mutual assistance and honor our treaty of peace. When kitin threaten the livelihood of all homin, we are by your side if only then. Do not believe that as soon as our ranks swell we will abrogate our treaty and invade Fyros or Zorai lands, for that is simply not the case. The target of our intentions is the misguided hearts of the Matisian people and the faltering faith of Jena as we see it, for all revolutions start in the hearts of good homin. And we still hold out hope for you, o poor misguided followers of the Kami, that you may see the error of your faith and realize the great deception that has been played on your fragile reality. The Kami do not have your best interests at heart my friend, we do.

-Berrule, Officer of the Gladius Jenae

Things are getting a little hot around here, wow. Keep up the good work everybody. A lot of people have complained that Ryzom has been lacking in content, and I have come to realize that it is partially our own fault. To a large extent, the community has the opportunity to create the most thrilling content on its own. Its a living world, so let's act like it. Cheers ! :)