2 hand vs 1 hand

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Re: 2 hand vs 1 hand

Post by mookse »

Also - feign is a fantastic way to cut down on HP/Sta when using dual wield - since the weapons are so fast, you don't miss as much time with a feigned attack, so you don't gobble up that poor stamina and can still do dam5 or whatever you're using.
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Re: 2 hand vs 1 hand

Post by starlyle »

Just my two cents. 1hd weapons or dual wielding a sword and dagger is sub par with a 2hd wpn, and my prefrence is the 2hd pike. I've thoroughly tested all of the melee wpns and the 2hd pike absolutley has the best ratios. I use parry, and I parry more with a 2hd pike as opposed to parry / dodge with a sword, sword / dagger. I went with the sword / dagger combination in beta and quickly found it inadequate compared to 2hd weapons, not a single duel did I win vs a 2hd wpn. The combat staying power also comes in, as this has already been posted about. I can fight longer, do more damage over time, and defend better, than any 1hd/dual wield warrior. Fact of the matter is, 2hd rules as far as melee is concerned. Don't get me wrong, I keep my 1hd and close melee wpns close at hand for use against a mob resistant to my 2hd pike, and have leveled all three in close proximity, but I always turn back to the 2hd pike. There is always a player preference in face of the statistics. I've even seen people dual wielding daggers, and I can barely imagine being a heavy tank using 2 daggers. Just goes to show that ya can do what ever ya like, and just be a back up tank in a group. Tis all about the role you wish to play in game, but if you are like me and want to be the heavy tank, then 2hd is absolutely the way to go.
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Re: 2 hand vs 1 hand

Post by svayvti »

Keep in mind though that the stats for each race's weapons aren't the same.

So it also depends on what type of weapon.

Using multiple 1-hand weapons can have a skill split after level 50. Whether that is good or bad is up to you. Slower leveling compared to those that use 1 weapon, but split skills means more SP at lower levels.

Yes, with multiple melee you have to use more special actions... but with multiple melee you CAN use more actions. This is advantageous in the case of aimed attacks where you can quickly cripple a mobs abilities.

My main partner is currently using a shield. He dodges a ton of attacks and takes little damage. Its disproproportionate to the stats of the shield, so don't expect me to explain it. Also, being able to use "shielding" is nice for us fragile mage types when taunt doesn't work or as we use spells to pull out aggro mobs.

Now if Magic and Ranged are rebalanced to melee it will be awesome.
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Re: 2 hand vs 1 hand

Post by lariva »

2H is better - not because of high DMG but because crafters are making 2H more often the 1H - Why? Because mage staff is also 2H.

dchoi06 wrote:ok guyz for melee fighters at level 50 it branches to either 2 hand or 1 hand weapon leveling...which is better IYO and why?? I am going to be a melee fighter wearing heavy armor.
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