oddie wrote:I dunno, I not trying to be disrespectful of your woes, but if you can not ride the waves of these patches, maybe ryzom is not for you.
Maybe you need to wait till game, if ever, is more fully developed. Me, I dont always like what patches do, but am not about to get SO STRESSED ABOUT IT.............
I would rather wait and see, or find ways around it.
one thing that is true for me is regardless of any one person's position on a patch, i have found that i can continue to play and have fun.
The only thing that stresses me out in the least is all the people YELLING that WE ARE GETTING SCREWED or I DONT THINK THIS IS FAIR I AM LEAVING.
This is the only thing that alarms me, cause i dont want people to leave, I want em to stay, this is a fun game and if a patch upsets your wagon, well, if I can i will help you, but more then likely you are higher lvl then me....
Anyway, i hate to see you so stressed, maybe forum helps you vent, i hope so.............but my best suggestion would be, and this is if you want to stick around and play, to TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT!!!! and you know better then me what would be different for you. Cause i will tell you change is always constant, till the day you die and well then most times your corpse rots in the grave................
Me i like the way that John Stienbeck put it weather is for men, climate is for wimps
-=clap clap clap=- well put wraps my feeling up in a nutshell though I like to harrass the people who complain. I love Ryzom,I love the Devs,I love my Packers even the shifty eye'd one,and ill continue to play and encourage the devs to make the game more difficult!