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The members of Comitatus Praetorian are excited to once again join forces with that incomparable, intrepid explorer Zzei on another zany cross-country trek across Atys! We are also grateful that our allies Infinity and Living Planet Defenders are willing to take the time to run another travel mission with us as well.
The principle goal of Saturday's trip will be to transport Fyros players to Zora to facilitate good will and brotherhood between these two races. However, Matis and Tykers are welcome join in this adventure, as always. We are leaving from Yrk to save time--many Fyros that need the Zora spawns/teleporters have indicated that they already have Matis ones.
As Zzei mentioned, if you are in Fyros and need to get to Yrk before Saturday, please contact PARKSTER in game. His guild, Living Planet Defenders, will be running Fyros players to Matis this week prior to Saturdays event.
Finally, if you cannot make it on Saturday, or only have time to participate in part of the trip, Gfunk is running a Matis-Tyker Transit Thursday night 8pm EST. To save time you could make the trip to Tyker Thursday night then join us in Tyker on Saturday around 2pm EST to continue on to Zora.
Please contact Zzei, Parkster, Brithlem (uber-mage and leader of Infinity), or me in game if you have any questions about this trip.
Matis to Zora Trip Planned for Saturday
Matis to Zora Trip Planned for Saturday
Mekos, Comitatus Praetorian
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the server
Windermeer Server
Recruiting Inquiries? Post here!
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the server
Windermeer Server
Recruiting Inquiries? Post here!
Re: Matis to Zora Trip Planned for Saturday
mmm trip
mmm jungle
mmm jungle
Re: Matis to Zora Trip Planned for Saturday
ill be joining up with your crew in tryker to continue to zorai with you, thanks !!
Re: Matis to Zora Trip Planned for Saturday
Anyone running events to go the other direction... out of the Witherlings!!? I'm all rained out from living in the jungle so long 

Re: Matis to Zora Trip Planned for Saturday
Hmmmthis needs bumped to tha front page...
Re: Matis to Zora Trip Planned for Saturday
World tours are a GOOD thing. I for one would LOVE to see players working together. Maybe we can turn the TONE of the Karavan vs Kami thing and get THEM working together against a common foe that doesn't care WHAT we look like...we all taste like chicken to them!
I have the Pyr to Yrk spawns (all Fyrosian and many Matisians..what I aint got...I can get later). I would LOVE to get ALL the spawns for ALL the regions, and then level up to help the "Hands across Atys world tours"
I have the Pyr to Yrk spawns (all Fyrosian and many Matisians..what I aint got...I can get later). I would LOVE to get ALL the spawns for ALL the regions, and then level up to help the "Hands across Atys world tours"
Re: Matis to Zora Trip Planned for Saturday
piknik2 wrote:Anyone running events to go the other direction... out of the Witherlings!!? I'm all rained out from living in the jungle so long![]()
rain rain go away
or at least let me build a boat to escape the flood