Why? that is my question!

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Why? that is my question!

Post by plarfman »

This has been getting under my skin for a while and wanted to know if there was a solution and or reason behind it. why is it that I have to completly log off the game to log another charcter on the same account on? It takes me about 10 min just to switch characters. I dont want to sound like an ass or anything but perhaps this would b a good suggestion for the devs to work on. I would like to b able to switch between characters with out having to shut my entire game down and restart it just to change characters.
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Re: Why? that is my question!

Post by xenofur »

that question was asked before and the simple answer is, they don't know how to do it faster, as you have probably noticed, when loading ryzom you choose your character, and then the game really loads, and well, that algorithm is set, even if they'd allow you to switch without ending the game you'd have to wait for it unloading the whole memory, and then after choosing, loading it again
only hint i can give you is: reduce your texture memory, it drops load times more than anything else
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Re: Why? that is my question!

Post by plarfman »

dang ! ok well at least i got my question answered ill have to go the long way I guess thansk for the heads up on it!
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Re: Why? that is my question!

Post by xenofur »

np =)
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