Event alert!

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Event alert!

Post by zzeii »


For those who do not check the saga section of the forums.

And to re-iterate what takashi says, get a teleport ticket home before going to the nexus! Nothing worse than being stuck THERE.
Poker of things, caster of sparklies, maker of stuff, digger of dirt, wanderer of paths....
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Re: Event alert!

Post by kisedd »

zzeii wrote:http://ryzom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7592

For those who do not check the saga section of the forums.

And to re-iterate what takashi says, get a teleport ticket home before going to the nexus! Nothing worse than being stuck THERE.
Looks like another evening staying home polishing my boots, while the real warriors go out and fight. Sorry to say, figthing level 300+ mobs who can kill me in one hit, who I can't so much as touch, well I'll leave that up to those who can.
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Re: Event alert!

Post by khayne »

Grrrr another weekend event. I LAN on weekends usually. :(
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Re: Event alert!

Post by kisedd »

khayne wrote:Grrrr another weekend event. I LAN on weekends usually. :(
Most events are going to happen on weekends, that is when the most people are about. I work a lot of weekends, so I won't even be home, but overall it's a good idea.
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Re: Event alert!

Post by angus858 »

Kisedd's comments bring up a good question. How much experience must a Homin have to participate in events like this? Can the more experienced players suggest a minimum useful level for fighters, offensive mages, and healers? Is there a particular combat role which is best suited for lower-level players? Having never grouped with anyone above my level (40) I'm pretty clueless about such things.
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Re: Event alert!

Post by Lukati »

Well, ain't this something. I swear if I end up working every single time there is an event, well I'll just. . . well I'll think of something creative to say.

But not this time. :(

Looks I'm going to have to petition for people to work for me on some more of the weekends.

Ryzom > Restaurant slave-labor work.
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Re: Event alert!

Post by paradise »

Nice, I get home at 19:15 PST.

Have fun everyone, I know I won't.
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Re: Event alert!

Post by iphdrunk »

angus858 wrote:Kisedd's comments bring up a good question. How much experience must a Homin have to participate in events like this? Can the more experienced players suggest a minimum useful level for fighters, offensive mages, and healers? Is there a particular combat role which is best suited for lower-level players? Having never grouped with anyone above my level (40) I'm pretty clueless about such things.

Indeed, at first sight, I would dare to say that these events (and I guess specially this one) seem to be aimed to medium to high level players (90-150+), given the mob layout and the zone. That being said, it's everybody's call to try to participate. Being low level may mean that you may get killed in one hit, that you will probably miss most of the attacks and a few other things that you can guess, but you may want to try to see how you can help. As someone else's post said, that little damage that you may cause, that hit you take, that heal spell (healing main healers is quite helpful) may make a difference.

You may also want to consider participating in an event that will gather quite a few players, see a new zone, participate to the extent of your abilities, etc.

So, yes. the mobs may kill you in one hit. They may kill a lvl 170 melee fighter in one hit too, but I'd say that it's the collaborative effort that counts

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Re: Event alert!

Post by buzyb77 »

well lets see i work tomorrow so no exp for me

sigh i worked starting the last event till WED Dec 1st

now i get 1 good night of play

"230 sp" in magic in 5 hours 40 someting to 67

now ineed a new amp for healing so i can play with my new Spells Correctly and they co an throw this in sigh

i guess my haves it the only thing i will get past 110 besides Crafting eventually
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Re: Event alert!

Post by bandwgn »

The only issue I have is that I'm still at work when 7pm EST comes around. Any chance there will be events for the latenight PST players in the future?

Good luck to all involved tonight. With extra emphasis put on the Kami supporters doing well.
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