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People Online

Post by durandle »

I played for about 3 hours.... and saw not one other Human player. None. I saw a few chat messages go past, but that was it. Just hundreds of NPCs. Half the time was in the training place you start at, the other half I teleported to the next area (I forget the name). How many people actually play this game?!?
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Re: People Online

Post by rushin »

durandle wrote:I played for about 3 hours.... and saw not one other Human player. None. I saw a few chat messages go past, but that was it. Just hundreds of NPCs. Half the time was in the training place you start at, the other half I teleported to the next area (I forget the name). How many people actually play this game?!?
Welcome :)

plenty, i have just left a team of 9. if by the sounds of it you have just come to the mainland, type /who to see who is in ur region.. Its bed time for lots of us here though, work in the morning :eek:

If you are in Zora send me a /tell tomorrow or say hi to any members of my guild, we'll b happy 2 show u around. and btw this post should have gone in the general thread :p
rushin ~ asleep
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Re: People Online

Post by kibsword »

theres always plenty of ppl on for me, lots of ppl to chat to :)

And btw this is the events forum, this post is more belonging in ee section below
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Re: People Online

Post by durandle »

lol sorry, I did not see the events heading, just jumped right into the thread with my server name on :P

Well, yes, just got to the mainland, ran around the city I came in, went outside a bit, very pretty and all but not much of a MMORPG if you can't find other players :P I'll try again when I have the time next, maybe it was bad timing :)
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