Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp [b]in the prime roots[/b]

Come in, pull up a chair, let's discuss all things Ryzom-related.

Open pvp in PR, give your opinion!

Great! When can I start killing other players indescriminantly?
I'm looking forward to some added excitement in my harvesting.
Doesn't matter to me.
I'm not overly fond of open-pvp, so I'd avoid the roots.
Good bye SoR, I abhor open style pvp period.
Total votes: 302

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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by xcomvic »

balsalt wrote:Hmmm the Great When can I start killing players indescriminately line is a perfect example of a biased anti PvP poll. It automatically assumes everyone in favor of it is a ganker, the other positive reaction assumes that harvesters can expect to be attaked automatically.


i voted it... i could care less what anyone's opinion of me is in a video game.
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by overide1 »

balsalt wrote:Hmmm the Great When can I start killing players indescriminately line is a perfect example of a biased anti PvP poll. It automatically assumes everyone in favor of it is a ganker, the other positive reaction assumes that harvesters can expect to be attaked automatically.

i am not against PvP. nor, do i think anyone that likes it is a ganker or griefer. i simply assume that there will allways be that one that thrives on pissing people off and this will give them a means to do it.

i actually enjoy PvP! granted, i don't do it that often because i am usually off foraging in some distant area. my guild, the Waverton brawlers, got its name because we like to fight nekkid fisticuffs style every once in a while but its just for fun and we rez the loser immediately. the most we get out of it is fun and the chance to occasionally say "hey! don't make me whup your ass (no donkeys were harmed) again!"
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by jdiegel »

xcomvic wrote:i voted it... i could care less what anyone's opinion of me is in a video game.
We all know your attitude and you're just as likely to get PvP taken out of the roots as this poll is.

You really should be playing WoW you know.
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by ozric »

As if the PR werent hard enough to harvest in already....
Interesting poll results so far tho.
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by silenced »

/me pk ... /me wanna KILL ALL PLAYERS ... KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL ... gimme PVP as soon as possible ... i wanna rock rock rock ... wheee ... oh, /me died ... :/

wtf, where am i ? daoc pvp server ? guild wars lowbies ganking ? anarchy rulez ? whee ... nevrax doing everything to ruin itself ... GRATZ all ... =)

- game over -
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by zach911 »

With a game like thi, PvP would only make it better. A main thing in my opinion with this game was going to be taking over outposts etc. Once i found out they werent in the game, I was a little disapointed. Once the PvP comes out and outposts work, that will be a huge part of the gme. It always has been for me when i was reading the features etc.
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by skylt »

It would depend on implementation. But either way, if implemented, would be a MAJOR step backward and would effect my allegiance to this fine game.

Look at other MMORPG games and see the server populations of PvP servers. This is a minority that does not justify the effort and resources to develop this alternative. At least not now as the major game content is being created.

An opinion,
Last edited by skylt on Tue Dec 14, 2004 3:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by zzeii »

zach911 wrote:With a game like thi, PvP would only make it better. A main thing in my opinion with this game was going to be taking over outposts etc. Once i found out they werent in the game, I was a little disapointed. Once the PvP comes out and outposts work, that will be a huge part of the gme. It always has been for me when i was reading the features etc.
Most people who are against the open-pvp regions are not against event/seige type/group vs group/guild vs guild type pvp. They are against free-for-all open pvp zones where you become paranoid of every blue dot that appears on radar after being pk'ed for the xxxth time.

Personally, I'd love the idea of pvp'ing over an outpost, or in a region at a scheduled event. I just don't want to have to stop harvesting whenever a blue dot pops up on the screen, switch out my focus set of gear to hp gear, bring out my pike, just in preperation for someone who might want to pk me 'just because <insert random reason here>'. Not to mention, thats another 70 bulk in gear I'd have to carry around while trying to get mats to work on harvesting, making it 140 less mats I can bring back per trip when i go harvesting.
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by zach911 »

if you guys hate PvP so much, what do you want them to do with the outposts? wait for a small raid to come kill your guild? It's not going to happen. If PvP isn't put into the game, half of it's features would go down he drain. The devs are still testing it so dont make up your mind about quitting before its final.
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Re: Poll: To open pvp, or not open pvp

Post by zzeii »

zach911 wrote:if you guys hate PvP so much, what do you want them to do with the outposts? wait for a small raid to come kill your guild? It's not going to happen. If PvP isn't put into the game, half of it's features would go down he drain. The devs are still testing it so dont make up your mind about quitting before its final.
You missed the point of this poll I think. It's about completely open, unrestricted, free fire pvp in the entire region. Not about fighting over outposts, not about occasional region wide events.

We aren't saying we are quiting over any form of pvp. We are saying about quiting from making MANY already dangerous zones increased risk for foragers who wouldn't want/need be at the frontlines of any battle, let alone at the mercy of rpk guild locale #2309 who feels like going after 'smarter game'.

Group vs group, guild vs guild, faction vs faction, these are generally well recieved by all, since they can generally be avoided. It's the 1 on 1, or 3 on 1, or 9 on 1, that has people wanting to quit if and when it's implemented. No one has said anything about quiting before hand.
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