r7chard wrote:I haven't played enough with range weapons yet to determine for myself whether they are a viable option. However, Range weapons clearly have two distinct advantages. One, that has already been mentioned here is that you have access to all three physical damage types with a single weapon. The other is that unlike magic you can fire your weapon while moving. As soon as I started using that last advantage when solo fighting I began to do a whole lot better.
One question I have about Range Weapons is the difference in effectiveness between a regular rifle/pistol and a bowrifle/bowpistol. I have a bowrifle and I'm wondering if I have a dud on my hands, since the ammo clips have only 12 shots, where as a rifle clip has 24. So, does a bowrifle have something that it does better than a rifle to make up for the smaller clip size?
Being able to hit while running, and being able to have access to all 3 damage types with one weapon is somewhat meaningless given the drawbacks of ranged weapons.
I'm not aware of any mobs that are completely immune to a physical damage type (pierce/slash/bludg), the damage output from ranged weapons with the best possible damage type is still going to generally be below the damage of a melee user with the worst possible damage type. Second, you have another problem in that the weight of all of those different clips... or ammo mats... are far in excess of having a couple extra melee weapons, most of the tanks I know can use a couple different weapons decently well. If you decide to make ammo based on the situation at hand, then you have other problems...
1. you are standing there making ammo and making the group wait.
2. you need to pull off all your armor or your ammo QL goes down a good chunk.
3. you can't easily tell what type of ammo you are selecting unless you mouseover it and wait for the text to appear, since all ammo uses the same icon.
As to being able to hit while running... it's being generous to say that there are probably like 3 mobs in all of ryzom that a player can move only slightly slower than them without using speed run. Of those three, nobody really wants to hunt them because they are crappy mobs, are in bad places, or are social with everything under thes sun and don't scale well (i.e. igara, izam, some herbavores). Being able to kite for a few seconds, when the damage you inflicted while kiting is roughly equal to one or two hits with a melee weapon, is not a bonus when you consider the entire fight will be drawn WAY out because of your continued crappy damage.
oh yea, bowrifle sucks. It's even worse for mat consumption than rifles