What occured in the roots isn't something to try and compare, due to the fact, had the karavan side made it there first, they would have had the same obstacles I would have imagined. Just like you can't compare the coordination of either side because no one was on both sides at the same time. The fact that on all servers, the Kami had completed the entire event before the karavan forces had even finished their 1st region scripting, does raise some questions about the overall balance of the event.tinpony wrote: As for it being rigged so we got the baby-sitter version of the mobs... well, we took out a kitin patrol with maybe three teams. Are they easier in Zora too? You're saying that the cutes you faced were tougher than a kitin patrol?
And as for the co-ordination, there was a lot of that going on. I was listening through most of it. There was a heck of a lot of organisation, which helps.
There were disadvantages in the Karavan side, yes, but not fair to simply dismiss us as getting the gimped pre-school version out of pity.... tchaa. We came, we saw, we kicked butt. At least give us some credit here.
Which does raise another point. With the fact of the story being dynamic, it could possibly be the intentions of the devs to set up certain events where one side is at an advantage, while the other is not. Just an idea.
No one is saying that you didn't do a good job, because you guys did a great job, and had destroyed the source of the problem. It was a great service to Atys, for this was causing the problems for BOTH sides. Of which I, personally, thank you for it. Be proud to have save the lands from a dire threat, but please, don't turn this into a 'which side is more uber' discussion. When it comes down to it, when has saving your lands ever been a competition? Both sides were trying to rid the source of the goo infestation of the cutes and gibbai, I am glad it was accomplished, even if I wasn't there personally to do so. But I am proud to have done my best in defending Atys.
As to be on topic for the thread now...

Global fame may be nice, but from my experiences pre-patch 1, 100 global fame didn't get you the best pricing, you still could lower the prices by increasing your personal fame. So I imagine that you will still need a high personal fame to get access to a number of things. And guild fame will also be needed for guild missions with dealing with the tribes. Admittedly now with the set pricing, it is not evident the effects of higher personal/guild fame, but I'm sure they plan on having benefits for those work beyond getting global fame to 100.