zzeii wrote:Congratulations! You've filed your XXXth bug report! Something that may have been filed before!
Let the CSR's do their job instead of worrying about congratulating every person who files a bug-report. Should I also mention that many other companies have bug-report filing procedures too?
Things are getting fixed, but some things have priority over others. I'm sure they are greatly appreciative of your bug reports, but may not have the time to answer every report.
I'm only going to respond to the last part of this, since the rest of your post and large parts of this seem to be irrelevant to the topic.
The real issue is that why should any of us pay $49 and $14.95 a month and then on top of that spend our time doing something that generally benefits others but not us? I and many other people who went to the ATS to try to test patch 1 and file bug reports because we thought it made a difference.
The problem - noted by many besides myself - is the communication is so non-existent from the powers-that-be that most of us really wonder whether taking time to do so makes a difference. Practical evidence, such as the fact they rolled out patch 1 and the original game with plenty of very obvious, reported bugs, is that they either didn't care about our reporting or felt that it was not particularly important. This is why the lack of communication and action on reported bugs and suggestions - as well as a CSR not spending a couple of hours putting a board together, so they can not congratulate someone for sending their XXXXth report and, far more importantly, so others know not to do things that precipitate bugs - is such a big issue. It adds fuel to the fire that the devs and CSRs don't really care.
Sadly, the other practical evidence is that only loud, pervasive, and high level whining on the board has ever resulted in practical changes and bug fixes. Congratulations on posting about the Tryker q50 mat fix and the harvesting fix so loudly on the boards. You got what you wanted, and seemed completely happy pushing it about as hard as you could. Would you have gotten it addressed if you had simply quietly sent in ticket after ticket? Very, very doubtful.
Communication is a two way street. I will continue sending in bug tickets. I will also continue making constructive criticism on the boards to raise the profile of issues, as it also seems to be the only way things get done. I like this game, but there is a lot wrong with it - and communication and working with players on making the game better is one major problem. That needs to change, since while I admire your faith in the devs and CSRs the track record ain't good.
sprite wrote:Congratulations. You just passed a sixth of the first year of my degree course. Woo.
Take some econ and writing classes too...trust me, your employment and income prospects will improve. That is unless you start a French game company.