[ I n t e r f a c e ]
. When a crafter crafts an item, his name is now listed in the description of the item.
. The seller's name is now listed in the description of the item to sell.
[ G a m e p l a y c h a n g e s, r e a d j u s t m e n t & i m p r o v m e n t ]
. Mobs' spell resistance check for direct damage spells has been reviewed.
[ M i s c e l l a n e o u s ]
. Mobs are now behaving in a more natural way near zone borders.
. Fixed a problem with fame rewarding tasks when the reward was more than 32000 or less than -32000
. Fixed a bug when removing an item from an empty stack.
. Credits are now available in French and German.
. Welcome message and MOTD are back.
I'd hate to be the first one to be a troll

When the changes were previously announced for this patch, I had read that the damage carnivores do is under review, along with the spell resistance issues. Are we to assume that damage rates are no longer going to be 'reviewed'?
Not that it matters a whole lot to me. I simply started over to re-learn the difficulty levels. Just wondering what happened to, uhhhh, sticking to what was said?