[GUILD HOSTED EVENT] Hunter's Muster

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[GUILD HOSTED EVENT] Hunter's Muster

Post by grimjim »

Hail Fyros,

After our recent success in the destruction of the Timari herds near Thesos The Samsara mercenary company has been charged with a special duty by The Intendent.

We ask that all hunters, trappers, skinners and warriors of skill both great and small gather in Pyr tommorow as the sun draws to it's zenith for a further announcement.

He who fulfils the task we shall set first shall recieve a specially commissioned reward constructed by our guildsmiths in addition to a 100,000 dapper monetary reward. A full suit of blood red Rilonus armour and a grand pike created by Jyudas and Diggin of The Samsara especially for this occasion.

A further announcement shall be posted around the streets of Pyr tommorow.

Wealth & glory,

Jyudas, 2nd of The Samsara
Speaking for Kostika on behalf of Eutis Apokaps, The Intendent

This event shall be held from 1pm Saturday 13th of November until 7pm (UK time) or until someone completes the task that we are setting.

Roleplay is appreciated but not required.

The weapon and armour are both QL70 and the armour (medium armour of medium quality with +20hp per section) includes a helmet of the same QL. The whole suit is of medium quality.

We hope people will join in this guild-sponsored event!

See you tommorow :)
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Re: [GUILD HOSTED EVENT] Hunter's Muster

Post by lazarus »

And they said there's no content...

That's not being sarcastic either. This to me demonstrates that if you apply a little imagination and thought there is content everywhere. Just because you're not spoon fed quest after quest from some NPC doesn't mean there's nothing to do.

Good job guys. Hope your event is a resounding success.
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Re: [GUILD HOSTED EVENT] Hunter's Muster

Post by grimjim »


The time now draws close.

As the sun passes its zenith the requirement for the task shall be announced.

All Fyros are invited to participate, whether they seek to win the prize or not as to assist is to further the glory of Pyr and to assist the outlying communities.

Prepare yourselves.

Jyudas, 2nd, The Samsara

The final specifics shall be announced in the regional forum in Pyr at 1pm UK time.
Good luck!
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Re: [GUILD HOSTED EVENT] Hunter's Muster

Post by grimjim »


The hunt is done, victory acheived.

The victor is Fly of clan Omnis who, supported by his accomplaces Pallas, Kaetemi, Tember, Warloc and Girantus, managed to supply almost twice as many yubo eyes as were required as proof of the hunter's skill.

With the yubo culled the crops should return to their normal state, the goo-strengthened beasts thinned out in number so as to no longer be a threat.

Well done!

2nd, The Samsara
Speaking for Kostika

25 bloody minutes :P
The Yubocalypse was swift and harsh.
Comments and feedback appreciated as this was our first hosted event. We hope to host more and to get people's involvement! Not just hunts either :)
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