Perhaps you'll tell us why?

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Joined: Wed Sep 22, 2004 7:11 pm

Perhaps you'll tell us why?

Post by ptooie »

Just an idee, but mebbe if Neverax would tell us what their vision of the game is and why the Patch changes were implemented it would give us some direction.

Patch one seems to mostly punish those of us who leveled really quickly.
I myself got way up there by having oodles of free time and actually enjoying playing and grouping with my guildmates.

We are now faced with trying to find something killable to level our high skills, but insta-death and spell resistances are making it tough, mostly because we lost our main healer and crafter to said changes.

All I'm asking for is WHY in hopes this bitter pill might go down a mite easier.

Oh, I guess there is always the possibility that SoR is one big,fat tax write-off for Neverax and their investors. In which case we are all doomed to disappointment, but the conspiracy theorist in me couldn't resist tossing in the possability. :)
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Re: Perhaps you'll tell us why?

Post by jesder »

Ryzom is based on NeL isnt it? Which is an open source MMOG backend .. I think it was started by Nevrax .. however I am going to guess that their dev costs are lower due to it.
JesDyr - The Dead Forager
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