When does Monday start?

Posts: 314
Joined: Wed Sep 29, 2004 1:29 pm

Re: When does Monday start?

Post by mrozzy »

Shockey wrote:So what time is monday to nervax..... That's what everyone is asking.

Well, the devs usually start working around 9 am Paris time. The trail will prolly be released during the day (I would expect someware in the afternoon).
Posts: 314
Joined: Wed Sep 29, 2004 1:29 pm

Re: When does Monday start?

Post by mrozzy »

ObvObbe wrote:
I noticed there are 4 servers, I'm dutch and wondering which server would suit me best? I hope one of the people currently playing can give me some advice as to what server to join up with. If someone would be so kind as to give some information on the different servers and the differences in communities i'd be most gratefull.

Take the euro english server (most dutch ppl play there)
Posts: 603
Joined: Tue Sep 21, 2004 4:44 pm

Re: When does Monday start?

Post by mboeing »

mrozzy wrote:Take the euro english server (most dutch ppl play there)
Yes join our fine server. And pick Tryker as a fraction to join. =)
Tryker Crafter

Q200 Jewels, Q180 armor, Q200 amps crafter and user.

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