A good story about patch one.

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A good story about patch one.

Post by younghay »

Well, I logged on and got patched up today eagerly anticipating the changes in the long hyped and awaited patch one. I decided to make a new character to go along with the new patch. I didn't really like my old guy anyways and was ready to start afresh. So i create a tryker and i'm off to newbie island. First thing I notice is i start with Acid 1. I think cool, now i don't have to find someone to follow around and heal. So i head out and find a Suckling Yubo to unleash my great power on. I die almost instantly. A SUCKLING YUBO killed my level 1 guy. Now we all know theres nothing lower than a Suckling Yubo, so I'm like.... WHAT! I try again, maybe it's a fluke, but no i die, then die again and again. I try fight and I die. Again i die. So it finally got though my thick head that I'm no match for a Suckling Yubo. At this point i'm pissed. Really pissed. So i do what any self respecting pissed person would do and and use the ingame support to file a claim. Within seconds I'm answered by a GM who says he's aware of the problem and he will submit it as a bug. He also recommend I find a group tell the problem is resolved. Now I am usually very fond of soloing, I like a good group, but usually like to do my own thing. So I put out a region tell and find someone. He's a new player and just got the game today, and let me tell you he was stoked. He thought it was a great game and kept pointing out things that he liked and comparing it favorably to other games he had played. So he has only a couple hours left to play before he has to log so he agrees to group with me and help me out to get me up to the point where i can solo a Suckling Yubo. Well I'll tell you, in that short time we had to play, i had just about the best time I ever had playing Ryzom. Every action we took mattered. Little things like waiting for to use my self heal tell the last second to make sure I could get the full 100 HP from it, if i didn't I would die. Having to make sure i increased my hit points instead of buying that new attack. Basically having to make very stratigic desicions rather than just throwing around my skill points as i did before the patch. Now I'm not claiming that the patch is perfect. But i think if we all took a step back and looked at the game with newbie eyes, I think most would find that it's still a good game. Maybe even better.

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Re: A good story about patch one.

Post by yy48n19 »

Nice; I'm really glad to hear that you are enjoying post-patch Ryzom. I have to say, I was a bit concerned when I read your earlier post (I think it was you, may have been another, though) about how you and others were having such trouble killing suckling yubos with fresh characters. I'm glad that you were able to team with someone and emerge victorious against the dastardly suckling yubo, and even happier that you enjoyed the strategy and effort required! I, too, think that it's nice.

One thing I'm wondering is, you said that the guy you teamed with was a newbie and he was loving the game. Did he have difficulty leveling fight and magic as well, having to go up against the newly beefy suckling yubo? Or did he find some way? I was thinking, it should be possible to solo a SY if you leveled some in harvest, pouring those sp's into hp and hp regen. Again, strategy. :) Although, many would find it an annoyance, as well. ;)

At any rate, I too had a nice experience post-patch. I took a while to get all my sp spent. Since I had heard how much harder everything was supposed to be, I made sure that I maxed out my hp and stamina and their respective regens, as well as beefing up sap and focus. Only after I had that foundation did I start choosing skills, and the skills I chose were pretty focused. I concentrated on parry after dodge, increased damage, self heal, and the offensive cold spell, which I loved from before the dreaded patch.

When I was ready for combat, I started with SY, just to be sure. BAM, no problem, SY was down. I progressed my way to vigourous goari, and was pulling them and killing without a problem (nice lightning effect by the way :) )--until there was apparently only one left. No reason to pull it, right? So, I charged. It ran. I ran after it--straight into an ambush of four or five of its friends! This made me laugh. I don't know if that is some trick that the devs taught it, or if it was just a fluke, but it was fun. I struggled against all five or six of them, since I knew there was no point in trying to run. I put up a pretty good fight, and got two of them down before I had to respawn. Best 10 or 11k dp I ever earned. :)

So, I hope some other people are having fun with the 'new game' as well. Anyone else got a story to share?
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Re: A good story about patch one.

Post by sulbe »

*grumble* You may have overcome my suckling yubos, but soon I will teach them a new trick! You no longer will have your boots soiled with #1... soon you will be soiled with #2! muahahahahaha

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Re: A good story about patch one.

Post by lyrah68 »

Beefy? Try steroided out the YANG. With THIS much steroids, they should die from heart failure.

I posted on the other Super Yubo thread how to manage to kill a Yubo. Think ARMOR and carefully planned progression. And start out with Magic, forage, craft action package.
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