New Vendor System (Bugged?)

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New Vendor System (Bugged?)

Post by moriant »

I know the system obviously works in some fashion. I can see player stuff being sold, but I have the following problem.

Yesterday after the patch I put a couple of items on the vendor system to test it out. Some jewelry (on the jewel merchant) and a weapon (an amp) on the 2h melee merchant. Things worked fine and they eventually sold (one even over night).

The problem I am having is that no matter what I do now, nothing I put up for sale will show to other players. It shows up in 'your sales' list and I can even buy them back and put them back up for sale, but they still do not show.

YES: I am selling to the proper merchant
YES: I am looking on merchants that are the appropriate level (selling a q120 2h weapon in Davae, where other q90-q150 weapons are showing)

Am I the only one experiencing these problems?

I have teleported around to the other major cities and continents and still haven't had any luck (except for the first few things I put up on the system).

EDIT: I think I found the cause of this (mentioned in later posts).
Last edited by moriant on Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Minyatur - Weaponsmith
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Re: New Vendor System (Bugged?)

Post by mikwana »

It's not bugged, it's just that there is more stuff showing up on the vendors from everyone.

Each player is allowed to have 100 items in the system. Each vendor takes a random 100 items from the total items avaiable (that they sell) and displays them. So, if there are 1000 items of a type available (say heavy armor, from boots to helmet) even if you have all 100 or yours there, there is still only a 10% chance that any of yours will show up to be available for purchase.

It's not a bug that no one is seeing/buying your things (how do you know they arn't able to see them?), it's just that there is a lot more available than you are presuming.
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Re: New Vendor System (Bugged?)

Post by moriant »

Um, they aren't in the pool. I know this because if I limit my search to ONLY q120 weapons THEY DO NO SHOW UP. So they ARE NOT in the system.
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Re: New Vendor System (Bugged?)

Post by tleilaxu »

mikwana wrote:It's not bugged, it's just that there is more stuff showing up on the vendors from everyone.

Each player is allowed to have 100 items in the system. Each vendor takes a random 100 items from the total items avaiable (that they sell) and displays them. So, if there are 1000 items of a type available (say heavy armor, from boots to helmet) even if you have all 100 or yours there, there is still only a 10% chance that any of yours will show up to be available for purchase.

It's not a bug that no one is seeing/buying your things (how do you know they arn't able to see them?), it's just that there is a lot more available than you are presuming.
Do you just dream this stuff up or can you actually prove this with facts? Stop throwing theories and conjecture out there, fobbing it off as the truth. Gimme a break. Moriant is a smart guy who knows what he's doing.

WHEN HE SEARCHES FOR Q120 WEAPONS ONLY, ONLY 5 SHOW UP IN THE VENDOR LIST FROM OTHER VENDORS. So I guess your theory is wrong. Next time try to back things up before you start spouting your own personal theories.
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Re: New Vendor System (Bugged?)

Post by moriant »


Yesterday, one of the items I COULD see were a pair of magic gloves I put up for sale in Avalae. I could see these items in Davae. No matter where I sell now, nothing will show up (except in 'your sales' tab).

I put over 20 q120 weapons up on the vendor as well. These I could not and still can not see in player sales.

The gloves sold overnight while I wasn't on.
NONE of the q120 weapons sold overnight (good, max dmg weaps)

This tells me that it is not just me that can not see my weapons for sale.
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Re: New Vendor System (Bugged?)

Post by jesder »

tleilaxu wrote: WHEN HE SEARCHES FOR Q120 WEAPONS ONLY, ONLY 5 SHOW UP IN THE VENDOR LIST FROM OTHER VENDORS. So I guess your theory is wrong. Next time try to back things up before you start spouting your own personal theories.
Actually .. he might be right ... If the filter is applied after the initial list of 100 (I thought it was higher than that?) then it is very likely this would happen .. If the filter is in the query itself, then you would be right.

Cerest .. can you ask someone if the filters are before or after the limit placed on query results ?
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Re: New Vendor System (Bugged?)

Post by cerest »

I've been told that they do show up on the NPC but not immediately. Sometimes you have to log out and log back in to see them. That's what I've been told anyhow.
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Re: New Vendor System (Bugged?)

Post by mikwana »

tleilaxu wrote:Next time try to back things up before you start spouting your own personal theories.
Next time, learn the way the system actually works before crying BUG and attacking.

As for no one buying max damage 120QL weapons, are you surprised with how everyone (seemingly) of that level was *****ing and moaning that fighting wasn't possible?

Aside from that, moast fighters who can use QL 120 are in a guild, who have crafters, who they can get QL 120 weapons from. Why would they buy them?

Aside from *that* if you think it's a bug, then report it in game, you'll get a much faster response (a response actually) than reporting it out here.
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Re: New Vendor System (Bugged?)

Post by btamilio »

cerest wrote:I've been told that they do show up on the NPC but not immediately. Sometimes you have to log out and log back in to see them. That's what I've been told anyhow.
I was having a problem where I could no longer see the "stock" NPC mats (like Q30 basic amber, etc) even though my searches were tuned to look for the right thing.

Is this the same bug (logout?) or do NPC merchants run out of the stock mats (the mats they sold anyway before the patch)?
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Re: New Vendor System (Bugged?)

Post by jesder »

Cerest .. that doesnt make much sense to me .. but ok ...

Can you still try to get an answer about the filter thing .. It sounds like the filter is applied after the initial list is gathered. I cannot imagine the devs doing it this way, however I know that the filters were added to the system after it's initial design. Looking at how the rest of the inventory systems work (filter on packers as an example) it would seem that the filters are just masking the data returned. So to me it would seem they used the code already in place for the inventory system and tagged it into the vendor system.

Not really a major issue I guess, but it does take away from the point of the vendors.
JesDyr - The Dead Forager
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