New Player with some questions

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Joined: Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:38 am

Re: New Player with some questions

Post by sidusar »

Welcome to Ryzom! Allow me to expand a bit on that...
jwenting wrote:Getting through the border areas between the regions alone is theoretically possible but especially for an inexperienced and low level player a practical impossibility (unless you're exceptionally lucky).
Or exceptionally patient with a high tolerance for frustration. :)

It really depends what you consider a "hard slog". I've heard many people complain Ryzom is impossible to solo and you *need* a group. While I myself am the kind of player who gets stressed running along with groups so does most things on their own pace, and I played Ryzom that way and never had any problem getting around on my own even when Atys was a much more dangerous place than it is now.

For me, falling and restarting 30 times trying to get through such a border area as an inexperienced and low level player, was fun. Because there was a constant threat of failure with every misstep yet I got a little further each time. But for others players, restarting again and again a dozen times is just frustrating.

It just varies immensely what kind of challenge you consider fun. You'll just have to come over and find out if Ryzom's kind of challenge suits you. :) (Getting through the border areas alone doesn't *have* to be done, by the way. :p )
jwenting wrote:Population is low but stable, that's all the data anyone can provide. No exact numbers.
Population is traditionally described as "small and helpful", so the helping hand you can probably find despite the low population. :)

But yes, population is low enough that if you're expecting to be able to log in at any time of any day and find some people to play or just converse with, you're probably going to feel lonely pretty fast. If you can ever happen to make it to an event though, you're definitely going to see more than 10 people there in just one single day. :p
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