It's easy (but need to test and need to know
2 steps :
1 - Digg to gather the supplies. (like construction but with new materials , food materials to be exact).
2 - Supply camps with light packages (you can deliver without a mektoub if you want)
For each package a % of kitins decrease.
I suppose that help guards at camp to fight kitins and protect the zones.
It's like fire, you can put water on it, but if you don't attack the source... your work is useless.
Guards seems to fight the source of kitin invasion (you can find 1000 reasons to think that logical, and 1000 reasons to think that illogical, it's a game...)
So, the first camp need low level quality materials (Q10) and can be found on zone 50. When camp is correctly supplied, kitins will decrease and zone 100 will be safe.
With zone 100 safe, foragers can easily found the new mps and transport package to camp 150.
It's general FORAGE and TRANSPORT steps.
With events that provide FIGHTS steps.
So, everybody can participate.