Now with a few more weeks of practice, although I can hit that 5th node a good portion of the time, I am still getting (post restart) only 4 nodes per prospect probably 65% of the time. "Back in the day", it was real odd not to pull 5 nodes per prospect. Wondering if it's an effect of my level rising as I conquer another region ?
If I am going all out, with 5525 Focus and an erigos pick, I normally see anywhere between 18 and 22 per pull when solo with the oddball luck, extending that down to 14 or up to 26 on rare occasions.
undocumented changes.
Re: undocumented changes.
btw seeing as someone necro'd this
the boss in question was not a change but just bugged, it sorted itself out after a full re-boot but has now been re-bugged
the boss in question was not a change but just bugged, it sorted itself out after a full re-boot but has now been re-bugged

Re: undocumented changes.
I found out that I pull more mats with a land specialisation on my prospection than without. Maybe those lower lvl people don't use it ? 

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The Exodus Syndicate
"Experience Perfection : Unharness Your Power"
"Ignore the flames or grill your marshmallows on them. Then feed them to the trolls so they keep their mouth shut."
New Guild Leader of The Exodus Syndicate
:: Most Loyal Fyros Alive :: Neutral Trader :: Crazy Marshmallow Lady ::
The Exodus Syndicate
"Experience Perfection : Unharness Your Power"
"Ignore the flames or grill your marshmallows on them. Then feed them to the trolls so they keep their mouth shut."